07: Hurting Him

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As I sat down by my mom's grave, tears fell down my cheeks furiously.

I miss my mom a lot.

Leaves crunching from a distance away had my wolfy ears perked up as my brows pulled into a frown.

I could feel a presence behind me, a shadow looming over my body.

A male figure.

"What are you doing out here naked?" A familiar voice rang in my ears.

Upon his voice, my wolf bounced up and down excitedly.

The man who is supposed to be my mate, the love of my life.

"Can't you see my mom is resting? If you are here for no reason, I suggest you leave." I said harshly.

"You are my mate, do I need to have a reason to see you?" He muttered under his husky breath, a smile creeping up to my lips.

Who is this I am talking to? Didn't he not want to acknowledge me as his mate when we just met?

Is it because of my question just now that's why it made him guilty?

"Why do you even care? You did not even acknowledge me as your mate when we first met."

"Let's just face it, you don't want to have me as your mate, isn't it? You're embarrassed, right?"

I shook my head, simply not trusting that his intentions were pure when he came to find me.

Especially, not when I hold the lowest position in the pack and when I have a shameful past.

"You don't need a reason.. But, from what I am seeing right now, you are just here because of guilt." I stated bluntly, slowly standing up as I turned around to face him.

His eyes turned pitch black in anger, he balled his palms into fists, trying to control himself.

"My, my. Is the Alpha getting angry?" I sneered, making it as though I didn't care about his feelings.

I do care. But at this moment, I rather hurt him than let myself get hurt again.

I cannot bear to face another betrayal.

This is how I have been living for the past four months, how I have successfully shut everyone out who tried to get close to me.

I trust myself more than letting them enter my life and betray me, just like how my blood sister did.

His eyes scanned down my body unashamedly, shifting between golden to black as he tried to control his wolf.

I noticed him struggling with his wolf, deciding to use it against him.

"Ahh, attracted by my charm, huh?" I continued to fuel the fire as he clenched his jaws in a rage.

I faked a sexy purr, "Frankly speaking, you are trying to get me on your bed tonight, right?"

"Enough." His voice boomed loudly, laced with so much anguish and hurt.

"I never thought you would be such a slut. Guess I was wrong about you all this time." I winced at the word he used on me.

Never imagined my mate would ever say that to me. I guess it stings since this is reality.

"No wonder your mom has given birth to a daughter like you. She must have been a slut as well." He spat angrily, turning to leave when I clamped my hand on his shoulder blade.

"What did you just say about my mom?" I shot back instantly, making sure he will regret what he had just said about my mom.

He turned around to face me, his cold eyes staring down at me.

I snarled, "I don't mind the insults thrown in my face, but I think you should have just left my mom out of the whole conversation."

A smirk made its way to his lips upon my statement as he taunted, "What are you going to do about it?"

"I'm going to kill you." I muttered under my breath viciously, my eyes turning pitch black in anger as I pushed him with all my might.

He stumbled backwards as he seem to be more amused than threatened by my words.

I swung a punch, aimed at his face which he caught perfectly and managed to catch another one as he tsked under his breath. "Too weak."

All I saw was red as I lifted my leg and kicked his leg, making him groan as he let go of my fists.

Taking advantage, I swung my fist and hit his guts as he groaned. When he looked up, my fist was already colliding against his temple.

My fist hit him square in the face this time as blood oozed out from his wounded lips.

He hissed in pain while my wolf was wailing as she yelled at me to stop attacking our mate.

If he hadn't insulted my mom, I wouldn't even have fought with him in the first place.

Blood oozed out from his temple while I took in deep breathes, controlling myself.

My nails dug into the skin of my palms tightly, blood trickling down as my scar opened once again.

It burnt just like how I had inflicted pain on my mate.

"I'm sorry." I said calmly, after realising what I have done.

I looked away, unable to stare any longer, quickly turning around as my gaze lingered on my mom's grave.

I felt an oversized shirt pulled over my head as it covered my body.

"Cover up, I don't want other boys oogling at what's mine." He growled possessively while all I could do was to roll my eyes.


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29 May'18

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