08: He Wants Her

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We walked back to the pack in silence, the only noise I could hear was the sound of our footsteps.

He was silent as though he was in deep thoughts, his brows furrowed deeply.

"Wonder what is our mate thinking." My wolf waggled her tail excitedly as she felt comfortable with the presence of our mate.

I sighed, shaking my head internally that she was this girly when it comes to our mate.

"You will soon come to realise how good having a mate is, you brat." I chuckled silently as she huffed, her wolfy lips puckered up slightly.

"Talking to your wolf?" His words made my chuckle ceased as I tensed at his intense gaze.

I nodded silently, taking in a deep breath as I continued to walk next to him.

His presence somehow made me feel relax and secure and I'm appreciating the moment as it lasts.

Perhaps, I won't be able to enjoy this moment next time.

"Do you mind if I ask you something?"

I shrugged, "I don't. Ask away."

He sucked in a deep breath as though he was preparing himself to ask me a question.

Is it something bad?

"Why were you demoted to an Omega?"

"Who told you that?" I snapped, immediately regretting when I noticed the look of shock flashed across his face.

"I'm sorry.." I trailed off, squeezing my eyes closed as I stopped in my tracks.

Images of the past flickered across my mind as I tried my hardest to ignore how it affected me so badly.

Betrayal, hurt, pain all plunged down on me as I sucked in a huge breath while trying to erase all the memories.

I clenched my fists tightly, allowing my nails to dig into my skin as fresh blood slid down my open wounds once again.

He seem to have stopped as well as I couldn't hear the sound of leaves crunching.

I could feel a body pressed against mine as I flickered my eyes open to see worry written all over his face.

His eyes zeroed down onto my palms as he lifted it up, examining the wound.

"Why did you hurt yourself again?" He demanded, his brows pulled into a tight frown.

I couldn't bear to look into his eyes without turning vulnerable. I knew I am going to cry any moment if my eyes meet his.

Instead, my eyes rested on the trees behind him as I took in a huge breath, trying to calm myself down.

Pulling away my hands from his grasp, I let it fall back to my sides as I composed myself.

"I find joy in hurting myself, at least that gives me a distraction." I responded back nonchalantly, masking my emotions.

Even if he is my mate, I still couldn't bring myself to open up to him.

There's simply no way I could do that without being reminded of the past.

How I had loved them so dearly, only to find myself in pain, hurt by them.

I have come to realise that there will not be a happy ending when I put my heart and soul into something or someone.

Because the next thing I know, the gun will be pointed at my temple.

I sucked in a huge breath, my eyes flickered back to him as he stared at me intensely.

"Who made you like this?" He asked as I could hear a crack coming from his voice as though he was forcing himself from crying.

I stared at him emotionlessly, numbed by the pain. "Don't bother asking, you wouldn't care."

"What makes you think I wouldn't?" He demanded, his jaws clenched tightly in anger.

"Because you are going to end up like them.." I whispered, a tear betrayed me as it fell down my smooth cheeks slowly.

I wiped it off quickly with my thumb with a huge sigh. "Let's go back, your sister must be getting worried for you."

Without waiting for his response, I walked past him and continued to head in the pack house's direction.

As I was about to step into the house, Hailee pushed herself off the couch and walked to up to me.

She crossed her arms and shot me a smug smile. "Look who decided to come back. You haven't been turning up for work, didn't you?" She demanded in an accusing tone.

Deciding to ignore her, I was about to move past her when she stopped me again.

"Look you bitch, if you think you are going to get away with this, you are so wrong." She spat in my face, about to raise her hand to slap me when a hand stopped her.

"I think you might want to think again before laying a hand on my mate." He growled at her, gripping her arm so tightly that she screamed in pain.

"I'm sorry, Alpha."

"If you ever make yourself present in front of my mate again, I will rip your limbs off your body. Understood?"

She whimpered in pain, nodding her head quickly as he let go of her.

I sneered at her, noticing a glare coming from her as she spun on her heels and walked off.

Gasps escaped from everyone who were present in the pack house as they must have heard what he said.

I mentally face-palmed myself. Now things are getting a lot more harder for me..


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8 Jun'18

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