11: A Warning

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A/N _ Photo is Lily's pet cat, Lance

"Don't you know it's a sin to waste food, Hasley? Swallow that down before I make you." My ears pricked up, detecting the usual annoying voice as I sighed, knowing it was probably her again.

I turned around to face her slowly, a solemn expression taking over my face.

"Last time I checked, Omegas aren't supposed to eat food belonging to the higher rankings. Why did you sneak this into my bowl? Planning to poison me this time?"

My words seem to affect her as her eyes widened. In an instant, she slammed the bowl out of my hands and let it shatter into pieces the moment it touched the ground.

"What do you mean by that?" She snarled, glaring at me. Behind her glares, I knew she was afraid.

She was just putting up at act in front of everyone to cover up for what I had just said as she finds something to blame me in the meantime.

But, not this time. I'm not going to let her use me again to save herself.

"The scent from the man who stabbed me, it is quite similar to the perfume you would usually use. Could it be a coincidence or more than that?" I taunted, using a voice I never knew existed.

I have been trying to keep my sanity in check, hurting myself again and again all because of her.

And, she expects me to let her use me as her scapegoat for the sins she has commited every single time?

Not a chance, Hailee.

My eyes stared straight into her eyes, into her soul where I could see a frightened little girl cowering in fear.

I sucked in a deep breath and quickly gasped, putting on an act instantly.

"Are you okay, Miss Advill? You look really pale. Please let me walk you back to your room."

My eyes met hers as her eyes widened, I glared at her to get her to cooperate with me.

It allows me to send her back to her room while trying to cover up the short conversation we just had.

When we were out of earshot, I grabbed her arm and forced her to look at me.

Her eyes enlarged, I could smell fear coming from her.

My wolf sneered at my sister being such a coward.

"If you dare to mess with me again, I swear I will destroy you. I can easily drag you down if I wanted to, don't forget who was the one who assaulted the Luna that night." My voice lowered as I whispered the last sentence in her ears.

Her eyes dropped to the ground as she shivered, suddenly aware of the consequences if I spoke about a word about that night.

The more she tries to use me as her scapegoat, the more she has driven me to the edge until I lost my sanity.

Before I loses it, she has to stop.

"Do you understand?" I growled, making her nod repeatedly as she turned around and scurried away.

"Why did you let her get away?"

I could feel my wolf trying to take over and kill her instead of letting her go. But I continued to be in control and forced her to stop having such thoughts.

There's no need to kill her.

"She tried to kill us."

I never said I was going to let her get away with it.

Not now..


I found myself standing in front of a door without knowing where I was going.

My instincts had brought me into the last floor of the pack house where the higher rankings lived in.

This room must belong to my mate if that was what where my instincts was trying to bring me.

I could literally detect his strong scent coming from this room.

Why did I come here in the first place?

It's funny how the mate bond can make me look like a complete stalker.

I should leave before he opens the door and finds me outside his room.

Yet, there was a strong urge for me to open the door and see if he happens to be inside.

Before I could stop myself, my hands pushed past the door as I peered into the suite.

I crept past the door, my shoes making minimal noise as I didn't want to alert him if he was in the suite right now.

My eyes scanned the area as I noticed everything was neat and tidy, other than a black blazer and a grey tie lying around the grey couch.

Something moved under the blazer as it caught my attention.

My footsteps approached the blazer slowly as I picked it up.

A smile crept its way to my lips as I noticed a soft furball sleeping soundly.

It is a cat.

It then dawned on me that Lily had once mentioned about a pet cat.

This cat must be the pet Lily was talking about, named after her brother to annoy him.

My wolf chuckled as she seems to adore this cat more than any others she has come across.

Perhaps it is because this cat has a connection with our mate.

"Go on and pet our mate's cat." She sounded excited as she cooed over the furball.

I bent down and petted the cat gently. It has a ginger colored fur with faint little black stripes on his back.

He purred upon my touch, fluttering his eyes open as his gorgeous blue eyes stared at me.


A soft purr escaped from his lips as he allowed me to pet him while he laid on the couch comfortably.

"He's usually afraid of strangers getting close to him, but it looks like he likes you a lot."


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20 Nov'18

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