13: Betrayed Once Again

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My eyes met his murderous ones as I parted my lips to speak, "She sent you, didn't she?"

Recognition flashed across his eyes while all I could feel was the time stop momentarily, pain, betrayal and anguish coming back to me.

It was her doing once again. When she's cornered, she is capable of doing anything.

This time, she wants me dead.

A loud howl emitted from the vicinity as I could figure out who it was coming from.

He must have sensed my pain as he let out the painful howl.

My eyes stayed fixated on the man who had stabbed me, his expression turning into shock as he realised that someone was coming.

He was about to turn and leave when a fist collided against his face.

He stumbled backwards, too distracted to move. Lance quickly took advantage of the situation and continously punched him, blow by blow.

My knees caved in as I fell to the grass, my fingernails digging into the soil.

The pain felt numb, I couldn't feel any pain as this wasn't the first time.

But what I would never expect is that she would send someone to kill me right in front of mom's grave.

This brat has gone too far..

Blood spilled from my mouth as I clenched onto my wound, darkness slowly invading my vision.


My bare feet moved on its own, wandering around the place where I have never seen before.

White pillars surrounded the area, decked with beautiful flowers. The entire area was secured with white railings making it look like a balcony.

Green vines were decorated nicely on the railings, it looks like someone has been putting a lot of effort doing this.

A woman donning a white dress with a pink silk satin tied around her waist appeared in front of me.

Her brown waves were tied in waterfall braid, a pink ribbon securing her hair.

It was an image I knew too well, my mom loved to tie her hair in waterfall braid and secure her hair with a pink ribbon.

When she turned around to face me, it brought a bright smile to my face.

"Mom!" I rushed across the platform to approach her, only to collide against something hard.


I fell on my butt as I rubbed my nose with a confused expression.

Cautiously, I stood up and felt my palms resting against an invisible shield which separates me from approaching my mom.

"Mom? Why is this thing keeping me from going to you?" I asked, hoping she would have answers.

A smile graced her lips, "Sweetie, this shows that you are still alive. As long as you are alive, you can't enter through the shield yet."

Tears streamed down my cheeks at her words as I looked at her longingly. "Why won't you take me with you? Everyone hates me, dad doesn't acknowledge me anymore, even Hailee wants me dead. What is the point of living?"

"Hush, sweetie. You are still alive for a reason. You met your mate, didn't you? He still needs you in his life."

I shook my head, tearing my eyes away from her. "I am nothing but a burden to him, mom. I don't deserve him."

"Now now, I didn't raise you up to see yourself as a trash, sweetie. Remember what I always say to you when you are young?"

"Always love yourself and live your life as who you are." We repeated the words simultaneously as I smiled at the memory.

"You should go back now, sweetie. Your mate is anxiously waiting for you."

With that said, she turned around and disappeared into thin air.

"Doctor, my mate has been out for two weeks. When is she going to wake up?" A frustrated voice which belong to someone whom I knew too well woke me up from my slumber.

My eyes slowly fluttered open as light blinded my vision. I groaned, covering my eyes with my arm.

Suddenly, there were footsteps in the background as though someone was rushing towards me.

I felt someone pulling me up as arms wrapped around my waist, my body relaxed as I knew he was with me right now.

I opened my eyes slowly and met his worried ones. "I thought you would never wake up." He let out a sigh, his arms wrapped around my waist grew tighter.

A groan escaped from my throat as I held onto my wound instinctively.

He hastily pulled away when he realised he had hurt me, apologising to me.

I shook my head, slowly rolling up my blouse as I noticed a bandage wrapped around my waist.

The wound has yet to heal as it was a deep one, almost taking my life away.

My wolf was still in the process of healing me so she had kept silent this whole time.

"I swear I will find out the mastermind who tried to kill you. This is not the first time.." He muttered under his breath, holding onto my hands tightly.

I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes, "I don't want to think about it now, Lance."

"Alright, alright. You should take a rest, I will have a word with the doctor." I opened my eyes, nodding at his words before I laid back down on the bed.

He took one last glance of me before he left the room, not before leaving a kiss on my forehead.

My heart ached as I yearned for my mate to do this to me everyday.

I want to live a life with my mate and not care about others, definitely not having to be constantly plotted against by her.

Maybe, moving to his pack is a better option.

Like what my mom always say, "Always love yourself and live your life as who you are."


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19 Dec'18

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