Chapter 4

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(North Taylor)

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(North Taylor)

I avoided looking at Kaz as I held my breath. Boots clanged up the steps. I wasn't sure if my hearing wasn't used to sound yet, or if North and Silas - not Silo - were bigger guys, but metal rang out violently as they ascended.

"Fuck!" North boomed out. He had a very distinct voice.

It suddenly got brighter in the tank, and I couldn't help but look up. There was a halo of light around Kaz, lighting up his matted and bloody hair.

"I think we have found the missing body," the Greek, Silas, said.

Angry footsteps did little to rattle the heavy lid of the tank, but they still echoed out loudly. They were so close. "Fuck! It's just a kid," North said, crouching close to Kaz's body but still out of sight. His flashlight was nearly blinding though.

I heard more footsteps climbing the stairs. It sounded as if all of them were making their way up the rickety platform. I hoped it held up.

"There are clothes as well," the as of yet unknown voice said.

"Clothes?" North asked, his boots grinding softly as it sounded like he twisted. When he did, the flashlight ran right across my face. I ducked down in the water, cursing myself at the soft sloshing sound.

Rationally, I knew. I knew my only chances of survival were to call out. To ask to be saved, but my lungs were locked up. I was terrified. I held my breath, hoping that North hadn't heard.

"Brandon?" Karl asked.

The last name. Brandon seemed to make some rustling sound. "Yeah, female, small. Maybe a teenager? They're covered in blood too."

I swallowed as I heard a volley of questions from the guys on the platform, too quick to follow who asked what.

"How much blood?"

"What do you mean?"

"How do you know they're a girl's?"

"Those clothes are too small! They must belong to a malyshka. (little girl)"

The last one I could tell was Raven, but I didn't have much more time to decipher the others because North's voice was closer than it had been even before. I glanced up and held my breath. Just over the top and behind of Kaz's tangled, dirty hair was a pair of deep brown eyes, and they were locked right onto mine.

"MOTHERFUCK!" the eyes disappeared from sight before a flashlight was shone directly into my eyes. I couldn't see. It scared me enough to dip below the waterline, but thankfully nothing went up my nose.

It was only maybe a second later that I broke the surface, but the world above was a completely different scene. Noise reverberated around me, disjointed and confusing.

"--there's a girl in there?"

"--o way. There's no--"

"Let's clear the body!"

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