Chapter 45

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"Why do all the best people die?"
"Because when you're in a garden, which flowers do you pick?"
"The most beautiful ones."

Two days later, a funeral is being held in one of the biggest rooms of the base. People are taking seats around the room, and all the chairs are facing towards a casket at the front of the room. The casket is silver and white, with hints of red here and there. The red makes me almost smile; Cecily had loved the color red.

I'm standing next to Mon Mothma at the podium next to the casket, and right now, it's all I can do to keep myself held together. Talking to Han, Leia, and Luke before the funeral had started had helped me a bit. But there is no such thing as a remedy for what I'm feeling.

Looking at the casket one last time, I bite my lip, seeing a Medal of Heroism draped over it. That same medal is hanging around my neck, the medal a gentle weight on my chest. Well, it gentle earlier, but seeing the same medal on Cecily's casket makes it weigh as much as a mountain.

Mon Mothma starts speaking. "We are gathered here today to remember the life of Cecily Tiberius, a loyal member of our Rebellion and a bearer of the Medal of Heroism." Her voice is steady and clear, but I detect the grief there. "Cecily and Ellie both earned the medal for their bravery at Echo Base, for holding off the Empire. It's a shame, however, that Cecily was not alive to receive the medal."

I gulp, feeling my eyes start to burn. I couldn't cry, not now. Soon, I'd be speaking.

"Cecily was a former member of the Empire. However, she surrendered to us on her own free will, and was committed to serving the Rebellion. Without her, it's possible we wouldn't be here today. I will now let her squad member, Ellie Stone, speak." Mon Mothma steps down from the podium, patting my shoulder comfortingly as she passes me.

Breathing in deeply, I go up to the podium. "Cecily was a soldier to many," I begin, "But to me, and as well as some other people, she was a best friend." My voice wavers slightly. I could not let myself start crying, up here, in front of thousands of people. "Her personality was that of a model fighter and of a wonderful friend. She was determined and persistent in anything and everything she said, and did. Cecily loves with a ferocity few of us could ever hope to possess, and her courage despite her many dire circumstances was truly inspiring. All she cared about was protecting the Rebellion and her friends, and she was always ready to sacrifice for others."

The room is completely silent as everyone sits, listening to me. My heart is beating ferociously in my chest, but I'm almost finished. "We may not have had her for long, but we were very lucky to have had her at all. Cecily Tiberius is the definition of a hero." Surprisingly, my voice doesn't shake here. Instead, I sound strong and steady. Next, what comes out of my mouth is something that I've only just thought of. I'm talking before I can stop myself. "And in her memory, we will continue to fight the Empire. We will pick up our guns and our swords and try again, and again, and again. We will avenge not just Cecily, but everyone who has fallen at the hands of the Empire; and we will succeed."

There's a fire burning in my soul, in my very heart, as I finish, "This, I promise you."

There's a roar of applause, and I step back from the mic, feeling breathless. The applause continues, endless, infinite. My entire being is burning. Its a burn that's practically screaming for a fight. I see the rebels all looking at me, clapping as they all suddenly rise to their feet, and I feel slightly awed. Ham, Leia, and Luke, in the front row, were the first to stand up.

Looking at the crowd, I recognize the expression on many of the rebels' faces. I see admiration, hope; inspiration. And I suddenly understand that they have the look of people who are willing to follow; willing to follow me. The realization hits me like a bolt of lightning, and I walk down the steps, past Cecily's casket, taking a seat beside Han as Mon Mothma starts talking into the mic. My heart is pounding. I'm barely aware of Han taking my hand.

I stare at Cecily's casket, but I'm not overwhelmed by grief this time. I stare at it, clenching my free hand into a tight fist. And I swear, I feel sparks of lightning forming inside my hand. Gritting my teeth, I hear Han say, "What is it, Ellie?"

Slowly, I turn to look at him, and I'm suddenly seething with rage. Not at him, but at the Empire. At Vader. "I'm going to finish this." I say.

"Finish what?" Han asks softly.

There's a fire burning in my eyes, and my words are laced with flames as I reply, "All of it."

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