Chapter 7

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I'd never been so confused in my life, or had I? Come to think of it, I can't remember any of my childhood. It's like my life began when I was 14. I started to panic. Why could I only remember the last 2 years of my life? Why had I never questioned this before? Why me? 

All of this was giving me a headache, so I decided to head out to the library to use their computers and ask Mr Internet for advice. We didn't have a computer at home, and we didn't have an internet connection either, so whenever I had homework I had to go to the library. It's not that bad to be honest, and the librarian is really nice to me. Actually, it's kind of sad that my only friend is the village librarian...

When I walked through the doors a warm smile welcomed me. Maggie - the librarian - was the sweetest old lady in the world. She was nice to everyone, but I still felt special when she smiled at me, like I was her granddaughter or something like that. 

"Hello Ciara dear, do you need any help?" 

"No thank you Maggie, I've just got some uh... research to do" I said as I walked towards the computers.

"Okay, just ask if you need anything" she replied.

I wasn't quite sure what to look for, so I started by searching up 'nightmare meanings.' but I couldn't really find anything of use there, so I searched for 'you'll never escape'' and once again, nothing of use came up. I thought back to when I punched my door, and out of curiosity I typed: 'shadow hand.' I scrolled for quite a while, before stumbling upon a website called 'The Shadow Walkers'. Here's what it said:

Shadow walkers paced the Earth since time began, but in the early 1900s they all mysteriously died out. No one is entirely sure why. The Shadow Walkers were evil beings, who caused terror to innocents around them. While they may look like ordinary people, they are far from it. They have the power to morph into a shadow of surfaces around them. 

That got my attention.

Their most common way of killing victims was to blend into the victim's shadow, then pull them into the shadow, where they would disappear forever. No one knows why they did this, but the most common theory is that they feed on living souls. Shadow Walkers were often short tempered and stubborn, which is why they'd often use this murderous method to dispose of their enemies as well as innocents.

I was stubborn, but I didn't think I was short tempered. Then I thought back to when mum was on the phone and she said something about not wanting to put up with the 'old' me. why am I even worrying? I'm not a murderer. I continued to read:

Although the Shadow Walkers are believed to be extinct, there is one left in this world - the most dangerous of them all. She was the youngest of the Shadow Walkers - only 5 years old when she discovered her power - but she would use this to trick people, and then consume them into the darkness. 

After 9 years, the military managed to trap her, and erase all of her powers. However, it was not only her powers which were erased, as her memory was taken as well. This was because you could never truly erase a shadow walkers powers, as they would eventually make their way back into the Walkers body. 

Surprisingly, right before the girl's memory was erased, her last words were 'don't let them get me again.' No one knows for sure who 'they' are, but many people think that she was talking about the Shadow Leaders. 

It had been 2 years now since the girl had her memory erased, and there has been no signs of her remembering her murderous past.

I was well and truly taken aback by what had been posted. My hands jerked back off the mouse, and I had to sit on them to stop them from shaking. The final line got me the most, as it fit perfectly into all of the odd things that'd happened to me. "2 years since her memory was erased." and I couldn't remember anything from my life before I was 14, which was how old that girl was when she got her memory wiped. I think Maggie noticed something was wrong, because I felt her hand rest gently on my shoulder.

"Are you alright dear? you look a bit pale." 

I quickly shut down the web-page before answering, "Yeah I'm fine. I just had a head rush, that's all. I'm done now. Thanks, bye." I rushed the words out of my mouth, and just like that, I stood up and walked quickly but shakily out of the door...

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