Chapter 3

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I rushed back through the forest at what seemed like an unimaginable speed. I didn't stop running until I was inside my house and the front door was shut. Next on my list - find mum and ask her what the heck's going on.

"MUM? MUM I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!" I shouted up the stairs as I hovered around the living room. Only seconds after I'd shouted, I heard hurried footsteps rushing down the stairs.

"What's wrong darling?" said mum with a panicked expression on her face, "are you alright?"

I wanted to talk to her, but I needed to break through her nervous barrier before it'd be worth asking about my nightmare.

"Mum... why are you terrified of me?!" 

She looked shocked for a second, but I was more concerned about what followed: a single tear shed from the corner of her eye. I rarely cried, but I don't think I've ever seen mum let so much as a drop escape from her eye. As soon as she noticed she quickly turned her head and wiped her face. I was about to speak, but she beat me to it.

"16 years ago, your father left us" the words barely escaped her lips

"I know that! That doesn't answer my question!"

Her nervous breathing echoed around the room for what seemed like an eternity, when finally, she broke silence.

"I can't lie to you anymore Ciara... but I just don't think you're ready for the truth"

"What?! Mum if you know something you have to tell me!"   She looked at me with empty eyes, and then, after taking a deep breath, she said something very similar to what I'd always known. Similar - but that one little change in what she said would change my life forever.

"2 years ago...your father left us"

My head started to spin. I tried to speak but my lips were sealed shut. I just wanted to leave. That didn't;t make any sense! I would've remembered him leaving if it was only 2 years ago! I was brought back to my senses when I remembered what I'd originally wanted to talk to her about.

"Mum... what can't I escape from..?" I asked quite directly. Something wasn't right here, and I was pretty certain she knew exactly what I was talking about.

"You... what? No, it's too soon for this, you shouldn't be having these nightmares yet-"

"How do you know about that?! And what do you mean nightmares, there's only been one!"

"Ciara... this is so important; what did you see in that dream?"

"What is going on mum?! Why are you-"

"CIARA!" I'd never heard her shout like that before, she's always just cowered in fear of me.

" was pitch black, all I heard were footsteps, then someone said that I'll never escape. That's all"

Her face relaxed, and she unclenched her fists. "Good..."

"Mum... please tell me what this is all about..." I whimpered

"Nothing Ciara... nothing at all. I think it's time for bed now darling, goodnight."

I would've protested, after all it was only four o'clock in the afternoon, but I was exhausted and I didn't really want to argue with her after what'd just happened.

I hope I wake up and find out that this was all just a bad dream.

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