Chapter 1

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I woke up in a cold sweat, and I was severely out of breath.

"So that's what a nightmare is," I panted to myself between deep breaths, "I've heard people telling me about them, but I never imagined they'd be that terrifying."

Wiping my forehead with the back of my hand, I glanced at my clock. 11:02am.

"I slept in again! ugh the Teacher's going to kill me!" I leaped out of bed, stumbling on my covers and scrambled around for my uniform. Of course - it wasn't there.

"Could this day possibly be any worse?!" I cried. "MUM! WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME?!"

I heard mum's hurried footsteps dashing up the stairs, followed by my door carefully being opened. "Sorry darling... I didn't wan't to upset you by waking you up-"

"Mum I've been late to school 3 times this week, and it's only Wednesday! Please, please stop letting me sleep in!" I shut my mouth when I saw the expression on her face. She'd always fussed over me, but it was never in a loving way. Instead it was like she was scared of me for some reason. I think she noticed me staring at her, because she quickly dropped my uniform on my bed and left the room, shutting the door carefully behind her.

I never knew my dad, and mum never told me anything about him. I want to track him down, but to be honest I can't really be bothered. Besides, if he was worth my time then he wouldn't have left me. I sighed as I dressed into my pristine uniform, then pulled my long black hair back into a pony tail. I really hated school, not just because it's school, but because I didn't really have any friends. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't one of those quiet, reserved girls. I was more loud, annoying and stubborn, which is probably why I couldn't keep a friend for more than a day. I really couldn't be bothered with school, but at least it might take my mind off that weird nightmare I had. My mind was buzzing with questions - why hadn't I had a nightmare until I was 16 years old? Why was my only active sense in that dream my hearing? What were those footsteps, or should I say who's footsteps were they? Enough questions, I was already late enough.

"Ciara this is getting ridiculous! Why are you so late into school?" said the head teacher as he glared at me from across his desk. He asked me this every morning, to which I'd always reply:

"I slept in sir, sorry" but teachers never seem to understand the difficulty of actually getting up in the morning. I swear, they must be vampires or something.

"No Ciara, we can tell there's something more. Tell me, is there anything... going on at home?" There we go. The 'I sound sympathetic but I actually couldn't care less' tone of voice. I hated it when teachers tried to relate with students and the constantly think something's wrong. Mind you, if I lie to him and say that something's going on then I'd get into less trouble. No, that'd be wrong. But still...

"Ciara? you can tell me" Ugh I hated it when teachers try to be your friend. Just for that Mr I-think-I'm-so-cool teacher, I'm going to be difficult.

"Sir, if something was going on at home -  not saying that there is - why would you even care? It's not like you can do anything about it. So, if it's alright with you, I'll just be off to my lesson." and with that, I strided confidently out of the room and swiftly closed the door behind me.

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