Hello! Author's Note.

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Winter 2019!

Hello everyone! I hope your holiday season is going well. I just wanted to quickly let everyone know that I've uploaded "How to be Forever Alone" to Swoon Reads.com and it would be very appreciated, if you are a fan of this story, to leave a rating on it. I will post the link on my profile and every click will equal 100 happy hugs from me ;). Also, if you are not aware, I've started uploading a new story three days a week called "Scary Kids". It's fun and spooky just in time for Halloween- I mean Christmas. 

Hello! Thank you for coming and taking a look at my story.

I love hearing from all of you, so please leave a comment on your favourite parts of the story. I enjoy hearing what you have to say.

I'm also adding a song to every chapter so that by the end there will be an amazing soundtrack to go along with this story.

This is also the chapter where you can find updates from me, so check back every once in a while.

XOXO    -Melanie

How to be Forever Alone [#Wattys2020]Where stories live. Discover now