|Shot 99| • Talk Me Down • |Jyatt|

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I leaned my forehead against Jaeden's and closed my eyes. This is where I'm happy, with Jaeden right next to me, holding my hand.

"Y'know Jae," I smiled, "I know I joke around a lot and tease you every day, but I really love you"

"I love you too, you goof" Jaeden chuckled and I kissed his soft lips.

He kissed back hard and I leaned forward on the bed, gently laying him back as he wrapped his arms around my neck. I ran my hands up his shirt, feeling his tender, sultry skin like waves in the ocean, so beautiful under my fingertips. He's mesmerizing.

Suddenly, the door burst open and there stood my father, teeth grit, eyes sharp and narrow, and breath dripping with alcohol.

"What the fuck is this?" he slurred.

"Dad!" I growled. "What the fuck?"

He stumbled over and pushed Jaeden off of me. He sat up and I held my arm in front of him protectively.

"Get out, faggot" he cursed under his breath.

Jaeden looked to me and I glanced at him mournfully.

"Go" I mouthed, and he nodded solemnly before running out.

I waited until I couldn't see Jaeden anymore before scowling at my father.

"What the fuck are you in my room for?" I spat. "And don't fucking call him a faggot!"

"Shut up!" he barked, and slapped me hard across my face.

It hurt, but I barely winced. I darted my eyes to him and narrowed them as we stared each other down. He grabbed ahold of my shirt and spit in my face.

"If I see you with that little faggot again," he warned, "I'll kill both of you!"

"Fuck you!"

He reached to hit me again, but I caught his hand and pushed him. He stumbled back and hit my dresser with a thud.

He fell to the floor and I ran out, grabbing my jacket along the way.



I knew one of our families would find us out sooner or later. I ran out of Wyatt's house sobbing and didn't stop until I reached Finn's door.

I knocked frantically and seconds later, Finn answered.

"Jaeden?" he questioned. "What's wrong?"

I was speechless. I tried to speak but all that came out were sobs and croaks.

He smiled comfortingly and pulled me inside, guiding me to his couch. He sat me down and sat beside me, holding my hand.

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