Chapter 8

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•Peter's POV•
"She likes you back" Aunt May whispered in my ear. My eyes grew wide. My crush since 4th grade... LIKED ME BACK!!! I thought this only happened in movies!
"R-Really?" I stuttered our after being frozen for a while.
"Yup, She was just here about 20 minuets ago."
"Aunt May, I think I'm going to go to bed."
"Tired after being on your Spiderman duties?
"Ya-wait how did you.."
"Oh please Peter 'Mr. Stark gave me his old suit as a present' your birthday is in 6 months. Also, I may be old, but I still can tell you're sneaking out and in every night."
"Ya, so just for tonight, I want you to stay in here and actually sleep. Not at 3 am. Go to bed at 10. And if I find out you snuck out, that's another night."
It's not that bad. It's just one night. I guess I'll just go to bed now.
"I'm just gonna head to bed now."
"Night Peter."
"Good night."

•(y/n)'s POV•
I was sitting on the balcony thinking. I wonder if Peter likes me back
Then I got a text from May.
He 100% likes you

I stared at the screen in shock. Peter likes me back!! I couldn't believe it. I wanted to go talk to him right now. So that's what I did. I snuck over to his house on the fire escape and looked through the windows to see which was his. I saw him sitting on his bed, figiting with something. I knocked on the window. He turned around, and his eyes grew wide at the sight of me.

•3rd person POV•
Peter walked over to the window and opened it
"Hi (y/n)" He said.
"Hi" She replied.
"You want to come in?"
(y/n) crawled through the window and went over to sit on his bed. Before she could sit down Peter grabbed her hand and turned her around.
"So I heard you like me." He whispered.
"So I heard you like me back" She whispered back.
"All true?" Peter asked
"All true." (y/n) responded smiling.
"This is the happiest day of my life! I can't believe my crush since 4th grade likes me back!"
"4th grade? What was that thing about Liz about then?"
"Well, (y/n) you see after you got with Flash, my broken heart went to Liz. The only reason I liked her, was so I could get over you. When I heard you broke up with Flash, I was happy. I couldn't finally have a chance with the girl of my dreams!"
"But Peter, why would you choose me over the most popular, prettiest, kindest girl in school?"

"I've said it before and I'll say it again. Sure, Liz was pretty, but you are beautiful. Sure Liz is kind but you are compassionate, loving and all heart. Liz may have been popular but in my mind, you're even more popular. In fact I love everything about you from your messy hair to your worn out tennis shoes, to your chipped nails. I love you and all your flaws, because they're what make you beautiful."
(y/n) started to tear up. (y/n) always had low self-esteem, but Peter just made her feel like the most loved person on earth.
"Peter I.." Peter smirked and cute her off by kissing her. Right on the lips. (y/n) was so shocked she didn't kiss back. Peter pulled away, embarrassed.
"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done tha-" He was cut off by (y/n). (y/n) kissed him and he kissed back. Sparks flew between them. Their lips moved in perfect sync and when they pulled away, the both smiled and blushed.
"I guess this means we're a thing now?" Peter asked
"I guess so." (y/n) smiled. Peter kissed her on the forehead and smiled. I'm with the girl of my dreams.

(A/N) Hey! What you think. To cheesy? Sorry. But hey, you kissed. So that's a plus right? I'm sorry to say, but I won't be able to update until next Saturday or Sunday probably. I'm going on a trip, so I probably won't be able to update. I'm so sorry. As soon as I get the chance, I will update. I promise. Also sorry, this is kinda short. The next one will be longer I promise.

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