|Shot 101| • Strawberries • |Stenbrough|

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I hadn't realized until I tripped on my own feet that I'd been staring at the boy for just a little too long than I probably should have.

But I couldn't help it. He's gorgeous.

Short reddish-brown hair, gentle eyes bright and deep like crystals, skin illuminated by the sun, black skinny jeans complementing his handsome body perfectly, and lips like strawberries with a cigarette settled inbetween them.

He was struggling with lighting it when he glanced at me.

"Hey, a little help?" he called.

I nodded timidly and walked over to him.

"Sure. What do you need?" I questioned.

"Light my cigarette?" he requested.

"Sure" I smiled, and pulled a lighter from my backpack.

He leaned forward toward my hand and I clicked the lighter, watching as the fire lit the cigarette between his teeth.

"Thanks" he mumbled, and took a puff.

I watched as the smoke bellowed out of his mouth like a chimney. Then he glanced at me and winked.

"Ever try one?" he queried, offering one.

"Uh, n-no, no thank you" I declined politely.

He smirked.

"Good. Nasty habit, anyway. I'm Bill, by the way. Bill Denbrough"

He held out his hand and I took it, smiling like an idiot.

"Stan" I said.

"Well, Stanny, do you believe in fate?"

"Hardly" I answered.

He scoffed smiling.

"Well then, how about you and I go on an adventure?" he offered, and when he held his hand out to me and I trailed my eyes from his open hand to his enticing eyes, I couldn't refuse.


Two months later

I packed my bag with a few things and covertly made my way to the door. But no matter how quiet I am, my parents always manage to hear me.

"Stanley!" they called.

I rolled my eyes and reluctantly shuffled to the living room.

"Yeah?" I asked politely.

"Where are you off to?" Dad queried.

"Just with some friends to study" I lied, but he bought it.

"Okay" he nodded. "Just be back by eight tonight, okay?"

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