Chapter 4

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"A Nine-Tails." Itachi repeated himself as he stared at the demon who was sitting innocently in front of them.

The little fox stood up and took a step forward and both brothers got into a defensive position,scaring the fox who ran back to the cover of the bushes.

"He seems scared." Sasuke stated, slightly confused.

Itachi nodded, relaxing his stance. "It seems so. He looks like he isn't even fully matured."

The fox came back out, head poking out between the branches. A leaf was stuck to its face and it tried to paw it off.

Sasuke snorted as the fox struggled with the leaf. He took a step towards it.

The fox stopped, staring at Sasuke warily.

"Don't worry, I'm just getting it for you." Sasuke said out loud, unsure if the fox could even understand him. He took another step and the fox stayed in place, his look turning into one of curiosity. Finally, Sasuke managed to reach him and he gently brushed the leaf off the fox.

Once the leaf was on the ground, the fox stared at it before, without any warning, running towards the fire.

"Sasuke!" Itachi shouted.

Both Uchiha's were surprised when the fox ran straight past Itachi and lunged over the flames, grabbing a fish and landing safely on the other side of the fire.

They watched the fox munch happily on the fish, wagging it's tails in happiness.

"What should we do with it?" Sasuke turned to look up at his older brother.

Itachi sighed. "I think we should present it to father before making any rash decisions. Its a young demon and wasn't raised by its parents. It may not know the power that it holds within itself."

Sasuke nodded. "Agreed." He walked over to the Nine-Tailed and crouched down. He reached out his arm, his hand hovering above the fox's head. The fox gave Sasuke no mind, keeping himself occupied with the fish.

Sasuke looked back to his brother who gave him a shrug. He let out a breath and placed his hand on top of the fox's head. It didn't respond and slowly, he began to pet the soft and silky fur of the fox's head.

"He seems to like you." Itachi stated as he nodded his head at the wagging tails of the fox.

Sasuke smiled down at the fox and Itachi was surprised by the emotion. "I think I may like him too."

"Don't get too attached,Sasuke." Itachi's voice was laced with concern. "Father will most likely have it executed. I don't want you to be disappointed."

Sasuke carefully picked up the fox who didn't even struggle, instead cuddling into Sasuke's chest. "You don't think we could convince Father to keep it?"

Itachi shook his head. "But for you baby brother, I'll try."

Sasuke nodded.

With a sigh, Itachi ran a hand through his hair. "Alright, we might as well head back, we should make it a little after night fall."

The two brother's began to pack up their stuff and start the journey back.

"Kyuubi!" Iruka shouted at the red-head who was currently in his room, spread out on his bed. "How can you say something like that to him!"

Kyuubi glared at his teacher. "Why are you always defending him? He insulted me first! You're always sticking up for him and never me! This is why he acts like such a baby!"

"I am not always sticking up for him!" Iruka glared back, hands on his hips. "He's always been more sensitive. You can defend yourself and you can get pretty mean when you're angry. You need to be the older brother and know when not to fight pointless battles."

Kyuubi pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. "He's just so annoying!"

Iruka's eyes softened. "I know, but you two are the only family you got and you need to be there for each other. You don't know the kind of trouble you guys can be in if ever a human finds you."

Kyuubi stayed silent before letting out a breath. "You're also our family too, Iruka."

He smiled at the red-head. "Thank you."

Kyuubi smirked at him. "Don't worry, Naruto will come back in a few hours once he gets hungry. He's never that far from home. He just wants us to go out and carry him home."

Iruka laughed. "Yeah, that's true. I'll be making dinner in an hour or so. The smell will bring him back. We can wait until then. Now, while you have the time, you should really catch up on that studying."

Kyuubi rolled his eyes and waved him off. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say."

"We're stopping here. We'll rest for the night and try again early tomorrow morning." Itachi stopped his horse and climbed off. He looked back at Sasuke for confirmation but couldn't help but feel himself warm at the sight.

Sasuke was on top of his horse, the fox bundled up in his unic, his little golden head poked out of the neck hole, looking around excitedly.

The two Uchiha's were on the trek home when a group of demons were camped out in the area of the path towards their kingdom. Any other day, the two would not hesitate to take down the lowly demons but with the important Nine-Tails in their possession, they didn't want to run into any trouble and redirected their path.

"We're not continuing?" Sasuke asked confused.

Itachi shook his head and began to take out his stuff, getting ready to set up for the night. "That detour made us back track an hour. It'll be another three or four hours. We can leave as the sun rises."

"Alright." Sasuke carefully got off his horse and took his own stuff off.

The two set up their camp in a comfortable silence. The fox watching them curiously.

"You really like him, don't you?" Itachi inquired after catching Sasuke smiling at the fox for the tenth time.

"Huh?" Sasuke tried to play dumb, a slight blush on his cheeks. "No, it's not that. It's just I've never had a pet or anything. It's different."

Itachi gave him a knowing smirk. "Sure it is." He stood up straight, stretching out his limbs. "We'll I'm gonna head to bed. Remember, as soon as the sun rises." He went inside his tent.

Sasuke quickly finished setting up his tent and called the fox inside. He lied down, the fox staring at him by his side. "Night." He mumbled to the fox before closing his eyes to fall asleep.

"Goodnight, Sasuke."

Sasuke's eyes sprung open and he sat up quickly in his sleeping bag. He turned to see a blonde teen sitting cross-legged next to him, a mischievous grin on his face. "Wh-who are you?!"

Naruto's grin grew bigger. "Naruto Uzumaki, Nine-Tailed demon, at your service!"

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