Chapter 6

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Naruto opened his eyes slowly, only to squint quickly as bright light prevented him from seeing. He opened one eye, and then the other to view his surroundings.

The first thing he noticed was that he was suspended in a metal cage. He looked up to see Itachi. Behind him, he saw Sasuke on his horse, giving him a small smile.

He realized with mild surprise that he was in his fox form. He whined in discomfort, hoping to be released so he could find his way back home.

"Itachi." He heard Sasuke call out to his older brother. "Shouldn't we stop and let him out?"

Itachi scoffed at his little brother's words "And risk him running away? No, I don't think so."

Sasuke frowned as he stared at Naruto, suspended off the side of his brother's horse. "I think he might be hurting."

Itachi rolled his eyes. "He's only whining because he wants to get out. Nothing happened to him, Sasuke."

They continued their journey in silence, Naruto giving Sasuke pleading looks, wanting to be let out. The younger raven tried his best to ignore the demon fox but couldn't help but to give him concerned looks.

"We're almost home. You can see the castle once we get over this hill." Itachi voiced looking down at Naruto.

The demon fox looked out from between the bars of his cage, only being able to see the grass of the hill.

It wasn't long before they reached the top, and Naruto's eyes widened in awe as he looked down at the castle before them.

The highest point of the castle towered high above the town that surrounded the castle. There were high walls that surrounded the town, guards posted every couple hundred feet, weapons ready.

Naruto watched as he could just barely make out the people walking throughout the streets, along with horse drawn carriages.

"Almost there." Itachi commented, stopping his horse as he looked towards Sasuke.

"And then it's just a matter of what to do with Naruto." Sasuke once again looked down at the cage, a look of sadness overcoming his face.

"Well we can't push off the inevitable forever. Let's ride on." Itachi didn't wait for a response from his brother as he started to continue down the hill.


Kyuubi woke up in a panicked state. He sat up quickly, holding his head with a groan. He looked around to see he was in his room and from the light shining through his window, it was morning.

He vaguely remembered Iruka coming home to tell him the news of Naruto's capture by the Uchiha's. He then remembered almost losing himself to the power of the Nine-Tails, trying to go after his little brother. And then he vaguely remembered Iruka trying to calm him down and that he would come up with a plan. But instead, he ignored his warnings, and also not seeing the simplest sleeping spell being cast onto him and then it all going black.

He threw his legs over the bed and angrily stomped towards his bedroom door. He grabbed the handle and pulled, only to step back in surprise as Iruka was standing there.

"Have you calmed down? Because I have a plan to get back Naruto." Iruka started before Kyuubi got a chance to speak.

Kyuubi gave him a look of surprise. "Y-you did?"

Iruka crossed his arms over his chest and rolled his eyes. "Of course I did. You really think I wouldn't figure out a way to save Naruto?"

Kyuubi frowned. "I guess not." He gave him a thoughtful look. "So what's the plan?"

"We're going to infiltrate the Uchiha castle as demonologists. If we transform into our demon forms, we should make it to the edge of the forest a little after them if they left by dawn. Then we'll transform back and walk up to the gates, tell them we're demonologists and that we were tracking down a supposed Nine-Tails. Then, they'll allow us to see Naruto in which I'll place an illusion spell on him so when he transforms, it'll look like nine tails, but upon closer inspection it'll be eight and one just got split."

"Even still," Kyuubi interrupted. "They'll want to execute a demon as powerful as an Eight-Tails."

"That's where I'll need you to perform a wide-spread sleep spell so we can get him out of there safely. It'll be easier to do it on a whole castle then a village."

Kyuubi tapped his chin in thought before giving Iruka a smirk. "You know, I think it's just crazy enough to work."

"Well then, let's get ready to go. Don't want to waste any time." Iruka quickly ushered Kyuubi to get ready.


"Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha are here to report their findings." A guard at the front gates announced. "Prepare to open the doors!"

"Preparing to open the doors." Echoes throughout the wall, above and behind.

From his cage, Naruto watched as the huge metal gate opened, allowing the trio to walk in.

"Time to see father dearest." Sasuke said with an eye roll as they got closer to the castle.

Finally, they reached the castle doors where the guards and butlers greeted the Uchiha brothers with the utmost respect.

"Where's our father?" Itachi asked the head butler, Naruto's cage covered in his hand. "We need to speak to him immediately."

"He's in his study, sir." He bowed as the brother's passed.

"Let's go, Sasuke."

The two of them walked through the large foyer and up the grand staircase.

They walked the long, winding halls, the path easily memorized by the hundreds of times they traveled this way.

They reached a large, double, wooden door. A red and white Uchiha emblem painted onto the door. They stopped in front, and Itachi looked down at Sasuke.

"I'll do all the talking, okay?" Itachi gave him a stern look. "I want this to work out for you, little brother."

Sasuke said nothing, instead giving him a firm nod.

Itachi took a step forward and used the large metal knocker to knock on the door. The loud thumping could be heard echoing from behind the door.

"Come in." 

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