Amaranth Trailer

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        Aerith was happily sitting in her church in the slums with her wonderful, and rather silly, boyfriend Zack. She giggles when he leans forward and gives her an Eskimo kiss. She admires the large grin that appeared on his face as a result of her giggles. Upon feeling Zack's lips on hers, she kisses back, returning the love and gentleness into the kiss. Neither notice the quiet footsteps walking on the wooden boards towards them as the two share their moment of bliss. Aerith realized everything was too late when she felt a blade pierce her and a gasp escapes her mouth. There was only one person that she could think of that would kill both her and Zack that had a long enough blade to pierce them both - Sephiroth. Soon enough the blade was removed and she falls to the ground alongside Zack, her vision fading to black quickly.

Green. Voices. Swirling green and many gentle voices attack Aerith's senses when she "awakens." She was in the Lifestream. She was rather familiar with the place so all of the voices didn't bother her. She let out a sigh as she had been hoping to have had a longer life. As she floated there in the Lifestream trying to locate Zack, a particular and familiar voice reached out to her.

"Oh hello again. What do you want to tell me about today?" Aerith asks.

"I have a proposition for you and three others like you," the voice says.

"A proposition? What is it? I assume Zack was offered this since I can't seem to find him.." Aerith says.

"Yes, Zack was made this proposition and he accepted it just moments ago. Well, you and the other three died prematurely. I am giving you a chance at a new life. You'll be in a different world that needs help," the voice explains.

"Will there be any changes to me? And what will I be doing?" Aerith asks.

"Yes, there will be a few. You'll be going to a school to help fight monsters. As such, you will aged back to 17. There may be a few changes to your body but it uncertain what those changes could be. You'll keep your weapon and any abilities you already have however," the voice says. "Are these terms acceptable?"

"Absolutely. I want to help people and someone has to keep an eye on Zack," Aerith says, giggling towards the end.

"Very well Aerith Gainsborough, I wish you luck in your new life," the voice says, pleased. A bright and blinding light envelopes Aerith and once more, everything fades to black as she is sent to this new world.

Upon awakening, this time alive, Aerith gasps at the sight above her. It was absolutely beautiful and so different than the slums of Midgar. She slowly sits up and looks around at her surroundings. There were trees with emerald green leaves and soft grass all around her. She takes a moment to breathe in the fresh, MAKO-less air around her and enjoys the moment. However, she know she couldn't stay there forever and she stands up. A metallic shine catches her eyes, and she looks over to see a stave. She carefully picks it up and examines it. It was light and very balanced. Near the top, there was a pointed end and two golden fairy wing-like protrusions on the side. In the center of the protrusions was a red stone. After looking the stave over, the half-Cetra starts her walk through the forest in attempts to find civilization and hopefully Zack. Being alone in a strange place that is known to be riddled with monsters had Aerith a little worried. She looks around, staying on her guard as she walks. Aerith freezes hearing a howl and stares with a wolf-like beast come through the bushes. She notices that the beast stood on its hind legs and was light-eating black. Upon its face was a white bone mask with red lines coursing through it. Snapping out of it, Aerith put her left foot behind her to widen her stance, similar to how she had seen Zack stand. With both hands gripping the stave near the middle, she points the stave at the beast. Oh how she really needed to get Zack to train her better with weapons! She watches as the beast charged her. When the beast was in range and had jumped, she jabbed the stave forward and up, lunging a bit in hops of landing the blow. Her green eyes widen in surprise as she managed to not only land the hit but also pierced the beast through where the heart would be, if this monster had a heart. As horror and pride flash across her eyes, Aerith watches as the monster disintegrates. Shaking herself out of it, Aerith continued on her way, her pace quickening, hoping to find Zack soon and fast. Eventually she comes across a clearing and looks around, attempting to figure out which way to go. However, a large roar interrupts her thoughts as another monster steps into the clearing. Aerith pales a bit at seeing the very large, light-eating black bear monster step out. Like the wolf monster she fought previously, this bear had the white and red bone mask. This bear also had bone plating on its arms and some bone protrusions sticking out.

"Aerith!" a familiar voice calls out. Looking over, Aerith was relieved to see Zack running over to her. However, she noticed that her boyfriend now had some.. furry attachments to him and assumed this was one of the possible changes that could have happened.

"Oh Zack, thank goodness you're here too!" Aerith says. "But I think we have a bit of a problem..."

"Haha! Have no fear! I'm here too, yo!" "Zack! Aerith!" two voices rang out. Aerith and Zack were quite shocked to see who joined them.

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