Enter Amber & A Dance to Remember

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        It had been a few months after being initiated into Ozpin's inner circle. The tournament for the Vytal Festival was around the corner and now was the perfect time to slip by their friends and go see the Fall Maiden. Team ZARC gets to the elevator where Glynda was waiting for them. Entering the elevator with the strict Huntress, Team ZARC goes down to the safe room where Ozpin and Qrow were waiting. James would not be joining them since he was prepping the Atlas students for the Vytal festival and also getting ready to ship said students out to Vale. Glynda exits first, Aerith and Zack right behind her, Reno and Cloud right behind them. Reno whistles lowly.

"Impressive place you got Oz," Reno comments.

"Thank you Reno. Aerith, if you'll come forward, Amber is right through these doors," Ozpin says. He starts walking forward and Aerith follows. ZRC look at themselves and then at Glynda and Qrow. Seeing the Hunter and Huntress follow after Ozpin and Aerith, they follow as well.

"So what exactly happened to Amber?" Aerith asks as she walks up to the container that was just barely keeping Amber alive.

"Her attackers shot an arrow into her back and the woman that took half of her magic had some sort of Grimm parasite stuck to her face. I just barely got there in time to sever the connection and save her life," Qrow explains. Aerith nods and looks at the girl known as Amber, within the container. She looks at Amber with sadness, a hand on the glass of the container. When Ozpin speaks, Aerith looks towards him.

"So, do you think you can at the very least heal Amber?" Ozpin asks.

"Yes, I believe so," Aerith says, nodding. Zack, who had been watching his girlfriend, noticed an orange glow emitting from Amber.

"Aerith! Watch out!" Zack calls out. Everyone's heads snap to Amber and Aerith quickly backs away. The orange glow dies down and Aerith looks at her hand. Zack goes over to Aerith and checks her hands over.

"Huh... How intriguing...." Ozpin says. Reno looks at Ozpin, eyes narrowed.

"Mind explaining yo?" Reno asks, he was slightly suspicious now.

"It would appear that the Fall Maiden's magic is naturally attracted to Miss Gainsborough here," Ozpin says. He takes a sip from his mug.

"Are you implying that Miss Gainsborough will be the next Fall Maiden?" Glynda asks.

"I think that is going to be the case," Ozpin says.

"What?! No way!" Cloud says. "That'll make Aerith a really big target!"

"Cloud! It's alright. I have you, Reno and Zack," Aerith says, grabbing the spiky blonde's hands. "I've grown a lot being here and I feel completely safe knowing that you three have my back."

"Are you sure Aer?" Cloud asks, frowning a little bit.

"Yes. It's better than the horrible person who attacked Amber to have it and I don't think it would be wise for Amber to have the power again," Aerith explains. Zack smiles and kisses Aerith's cheek.

"That's my flower girl!" Zack praises, getting a giggle from said flower girl. Cloud sighs and he gives in, seeing that both Aerith and Zack were alright with it.

"That's great and all Oz, but why would the Fall Maiden's magic be attracted to her?" Qrow asks, frowning.

"I got an explanation I think," Reno says, surprising everyone. "Hey! I was a Turk. This is the type of shit I do, yo!"

"Very well Mr. Sinclair, enlighten us on your theory," Ozpin says, amused.

"So Aerith is something called a Half-Cetra. Cetra were these Ancient beings that settled our planet and had extraordinary magic powers. I think that Aerith's natural inclination towards magic and the Lifestream has attracted the Fall Maiden's power to her," Reno explains.

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