Reno VS Yang! And Zack's DMW

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        As Pyrrha and Zack left the room, Yang's and Reno's portraits were shown. The two looked at each other and smirked wickedly before getting up to go to the locker room as well to get ready. Yang was totally going to take this chance to flirt Reno up, just to annoy the shit out of her little sister, that is if Reno played along. The two greeted Pyrrha and Zack, and all four headed back to the classroom, Zack and Pyrrha in their uniforms and back in their seats whereas Yang and Reno were in their combat clothes and on the stage. Ember Celica was out in gauntlet form, whereas the EMR was out in full length and set to stun and the Shield hidden under Reno's jacket and on his waistband. In the crowd, a red-hooded girl was conflicted on who to root for: her sister and teammate or one of her first friends and crush. Glynda gives them the okay to start the match.

"Hope you're ready hotshot! Cause I'm starting this off with a Yang!" Yang smirks as she launches herself forward with two shotgun blasts behind her forward. Reno snickered at the pun.

"Well, you didn't give me much of a choice, Blondie!" Reno retorts, rolling out of the way. He lashed out with the EMR, landing a hit on Yang's back who twitched a bit, since her Aura took the hit. She kicks out, landing a strike on Reno's face and shoving him to the ground. Yang smirked as she seemed to have Reno pinned where he was, and punches Reno's face. The redhead took the hit just so that he could backhand Yang with his EMR, giving him time to get back up. When he looked up, he was surprised at the sight he saw.

Yang was not too happy about getting backhanded and electrocuted across the face. It was not a very pleasant face. Also, who the hell struck someone across the face like that?? She had felt her Aura deplete pretty harshly and glancing towards her Aura level, she was first shocked and angered to see her Aura had just entered yellow while Reno's was yellow-green. Her Semblance activates, her eyes turning red and her hair now on fire.

"Aw fuck..." Reno muttered when he saw the fire. "I'm in trouble, aren't I?"

"Oh you bet you're in trouble! Better hope you still have a pretty face after this!" Yang said before running towards Reno who danced out of Yang's reach, not wanting to get hit by those very powerful punches. Yang, getting tired of Reno's evasion feints a right hook at him only to sweep his legs out with her left leg, causing him to land on his ass, losing his grip on his EMR. Reno was partially glad for not wearing the strap as he would have shocked himself. He grabs his gun from under his jacket quickly as Yang kicked him in the chest. Reno grunts and aims his gun at Yang, only to realize that would be unsafe to shoot point blank with how low her Aura is. Reno felt his instincts acting up and followed them, scowling.

The crowd watched with bated breath as the brawler of Team RWBY and the heartthrob of Team ZARC fought. It was just as intense as watching the Invincible Girl fight the powerhouse wolf-Faunus of Team ZARC. People were starting to wonder if Team ZARC were just a bunch of powerhouses that came out of nowhere. Everyone watched as Reno aims his gun to the side and fire a shot... Only for the bullet to change directions and hit Yang in the side, the brawler stumbling off course from her target, the punch missing Reno's face.

Reno let out a breath of relief when his instincts served him well. He wasn't expecting his Semblance to be redirecting bullets. He would have to experiment with other's bullets later. Right now, he had to focus on either lowering Yang into the red or getting her out of the ring, the former looking like the better option. He scrambled up and ran to his EMR, glancing at the Aura levels. It was a close fight, both were in the yellow-orange range. With his EMR in his left hand and his gun in his right hand, Reno aims at Yang who charged. He fires off three shots, Yang dodging the bullets. He redirects them into Yang's back... Propelling her forward some. It wasn't enough to knock her into the red. What was enough was a strike from his EMR. But, just as he hit Yang, Yang had punched him with an angry and powerful punch that knocked him into the red at the same time.

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