Canary Trailer

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        Cloud was riding his bike to Aerith's church down in the Sector 5 Slums. His friend Zack had introduced him to Aerith shortly after the two started dating. He had the day off and wanted to stop by and say hi to Aerith and see how Zack was doing. Upon arrival at the church, Cloud parks the bike and kills the engine. He hops off and walks towards the church doors and pushes them open. Just as he was about to greet Zack and Aerith, his voice gets caught in his throat as he watches Sephiroth pull his famed sword out both of his friends. While in complete shock and rage, he doesn't notice at first that he pulls out the standard ShinRa sword and that he charges at Sephiroth. He manages to land one hit in before he's backhanded by the 1st Class SOLDIER. He snaps out of his shock due to the force of his back hitting a column. Cloud was still pissed and he gets up, picking his sword back up. His anger only furthers when seeing the smirk on Sephiroth's face before going back into a fight with Sephiroth, slashing and parrying when possible. However, after a few moments of Sephiroth toying with him, the same fate that happened to Zack and Aerith happens to him. Cloud's sword had been knocked out of his hand and then he was impaled on the legendary Masamune. After Sephiroth removes the sword, Cloud falls to the ground and his vision fades to black.

Cloud "awakens" in a swirl of green. He looks around, wondering where he was for a moment before realizing that this was the Lifestream. His momentary confusion is replaced with anger as he realizes that Sephiroth killing him, Aerith and Zack was not a nightmare. However, he whips around hearing a voice speak out to him.

"Who's there?!" Cloud shouts, looking around.

"Relax Cloud Strife. No one can harm you here and you can't harm anyone. I am simply the voice of the Lifestream. I have a proposition to make to you," the voice says.

"What do you want?" Cloud asks, arms crossed as he floats.

"I am offering you a chance at a new life. It would not be in this world however. I am offering you this as you and three others were killed prematurely," the voice says.

"Who are the others and what happens if I accept this?" Cloud asks.

"Well you already know two of the people. The third you will find out soon enough. If you go to this new world, you will go to this school that trains its students to kill monsters. As so, you would be aged to 17. You will keep all of the abilities you already have and there is a possibility of other changes happening to you," the voice tells Cloud. Said blonde thinks about it.

"...Fine. I accept this," Cloud says after a few moments.

"Very well. I wish you luck Cloud Strife in this new land," the voice says. A blinding and bright light engulfs Cloud and the blonde's vision goes black once more as he is teleported back to Remnant.

A faint groan escapes Cloud's lips as he wakes up. He blue eyes snap open upon smelling the MAKO-less air and he sits up fast. Taking a good look at his surroundings, Cloud realizes that this was the new world the voice had told him about. It reminded him a little bit of his hometown Nibelheim. Sighing and running a hand through his blonde spikes, Cloud stands up. He goes to reach for his sword and panics when seeing that his sword wasn't with him. He looks around again, going slower so that he wouldn't miss anything. A glint in the sunlight alerts him to a sword's presence. He picks up and examines it. The blade was gold and had a purple center. The guard was black with two prongs on both side. Just as he finished inspecting the new sword, he hears a really loud and angry squeal before a whirling white pinwheel comes flying at him. Quickly dodging to the side, the pinwheel zooms past him and into a rock. The creature revealed was a boar-like monster with lots of bone plating on its back and two very large tusks sticking out of its face. Jumping right into action, Cloud charges the dazed beast and decides to knock onto its back, having a feeling that the bone plates would be hard to cut through. After bulldozing the creature, the Chocobo, as Zack would call him, stabs the sword through where the heart would most likely be. To Cloud's surprise, the monster disintegrates. Huffing, Cloud puts the sword on his pack and starts his trek through the forest. After what seemed like an eternity, a large roar rips through the forest and Cloud starts sprinting towards the roar, hoping that neither Aerith nor Zack was at the source of the roaring. Bursting into a clearing, he spots the large bear-like monster and spots Zack and Aerith.

"Zack! Aerith!" Cloud shouts, drawing his weapon. At the same time, he heard the distinctive voice of the redheaded Turk call out that he was there to help as well.

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