Magic At Its Finest

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        "Ozpin! You can't expect to bring these children into the circle!" Ironwood says, reacting to Ozpin's question first. This had the three males of Team ZARC annoyed.

"Hey asshole, we weren't kids before we came here yo," Reno says, the irritation clear in his voice.

"Also! Zack and I were literal soldiers and have been in wars!" Cloud adds on, scowling at the General.

"Not to mention, it is not your choice to dictate what we can and cannot do. If we'd like to join, we will," Aerith says, her hands on her hips. Her voice was not full of irritation but disappointment. Ironwood had the decency to look partially ashamed with his outburst.

"Getting put in your place by a so called kid," Qrow snickers, ignoring the glare that both Glynda an Ironwood sent him.

"Excusing Ironwood's outburst.. What are your thoughts?" Ozpin asks, amusement shining in his brown eyes. He watches as Team ZARC converses among themselves to decide on what they should do. After about five minutes, Zack steps forwards since he's the team leader.

"We have decided that we will join your inner circle. Any and all secrets will not leave our lips except to those of these circles," Zack proclaims, hands on hips and a grin on his face.

"Very good now-" Ozpin starts out, only to be interrupt by Qrow.

"Hold on Oz. One thing before we discuss things further," Qrow interrupts. He walks so that he is in front of Reno and stares the redhead down. "Since you're dating my lovely niece, you aren't going to let Ruby know any of this. Even though she can take care of herself, you are going to keep her safe from anything that happens with group, got it?"

"Got it. Don't want shortstack getting hurt because of something she's not involved with. Buuut knowing her and our friends, she might just figure it out all on her own somehow," Reno says. Satisfied with Reno's commitment in keeping Ruby safe, Qrow nods and allows Oz to continue.

"Now that you are apart of our circle. There are somethings we must tell you before we explain what it is that we do precisely. I assume you believe in magic?" Ozpin asks.

"Well, we kinda sorta have to, since the Lifestream brought us here," Cloud says.

"Then we shall start with a fairy tale told to the kids on this world," Ozpin says. Glynda summons chairs for people since the story of the Maidens and the Wizard would be a long one. Once everyone was situated, Oz begins the tale of the Maidens and the Wizard.

~ After the meeting with the inner circle ~

Team ZARC was quiet as they headed back to their dorm. After finding out about EVERYTHING that was going on in the shadows of Remnant made the team worry even more knowing that three Remnants of Sephiroth, as they had dubbed the trio, were on Remnant. Aerith was thinking the most about the Fall Maiden - Amber. She might be able to heal the damage that had been done to her if her attacker was found. As they got closer to the dorms, the four knew they had to wipe all worry away as to keep the information they just learned a secret from Teams RWBY & JNPR. Of course, Ruby almost IMMEDIATELY tackled Reno once they were in the hallway where their dorms were situated.

"Are you guys alright?? Did you get in trouble with Ozpin?? What did he want from you guys??" Ruby asks, her voice full of worry. Her arms were tight around Reno's midsection. Reno chuckles, ruffling Ruby's hair affectionately.

"No need to worry shortstack. Just wanted to ask some questions about some weirdo guys who came from our homeland," Reno says. It.. wasn't a lie but it wasn't the whole truth.

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