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*Namjoon POV*

No one said anything, no one even moved. The silence was killing me.

How could this woman outsmart us..She successfully carried out her plan of weakening our bonds with each other.

“You may be willing to die, but there is someone in this world you would give anything to save.” Everyone turned and looked at Jin who had just spoken. He walked in front of Taeil and crouched down so he could see him better.

I couldn't help but notice that Taeil's face had become dead serious. What Jin said had really affected him.

“You see, you're not the only person in the world with good observation skills, when Namjoon said your younger sister died in a crash your eyes showed no emotional response, yet when he said your parents died, I saw your eyes flicker, even if it was just for a split second, meaning it hurt you. Your sister is still alive isn't she?” Everyone's eyes were wide as we watched Jin turn the once confident Taeil into a man with fear in his eyes.

“Yes that, fear. She is alive, how old is she now? Nineteen? Twenty? Twenty-One? Oh, it's Twenty-One, I saw your face change again. Hoseok, go through all the hospital records in the area, a young girl, year of birth 1997, first name, Moon.” Jin stood up, putting his hands in his pockets and Taeil started shaking in anger.

“If you touch my sister, I will make sure each of you die slow painful deaths, you will regret even thinking about her!” His voice was strained, anyone could tell he was desperate.

I knew we had him right where we wanted him.

“Found her, Kenying private hospital. Moon Cho Dan, hospitalized due to severe injuries to the brain and spine. Her medical fees must be very expensive.” Hoseok looked up from the computer and nodded to Jin.

As expected of Hoseok, when it comes to hacking there are few that can compete with him.

“So that's how it is, So Hye pays for your sisters fees, protects her, and you do everything she says, even if that means giving up your own life?” Jin sounded almost angry, something which is very rare for him.

“My sister is everything to me, I would gladly give my life for her.” Taeil's eyes were dark, he was angry as well.

“Well how do you even know So Hye would care for your sister after you were gone? That woman killed her own daughter in cold blood, and she didn't even know the proper reason for doing so, who's to say she would take care of your sister who is just extra weight?” Jin's words were true and I could see how deeply they affected Taeil.

“See, that's the difference between us and SoHye, she believes she can destroy this group by making us turn on each other because she doesn't know the meaning of trust and love, but we didn't come together because of threats or the need for revenge, we formed because we needed each other and because we wanted to bring about change. And when our goals are one and our hearts are in the same place….nothing can take us apart. You lack conviction since you are only in this because your sisters life is on the line, and now that you might die, you have no way of knowing if she will truly be protected and taken care of in the future by So Hye, that heartless woman. And that, Moon Taeil….is your weakness.” Jin stood back and took a deep breath staring at the man he had just completely exposed and struck fear into.

Taeil had tears falling down his face, he was shaking. Everyone was shocked into silence as Jin just broke this man with a few words.

“Yes, she is my weakness, I love her more than anything so don't hurt her, please, I beg you. I'll tell you what you want.” He looked up desperately as he begged for his sisters life. It moved my heart, he truly loves her.

“Tell us everything and your sister will not be harmed. I give you my word.” I went closer to him placing a hand on his shoulder.

For some reason he reminded me of Taehyung, he just wants to protect the person he loves.

“Where is So Hye?” I asked as I walked back so I could see him properly and stood beside Jin.

“She's set up underneath Seoul State Bank, she has connections with the owner.” Taeil looked down in shame.

It must destroy him to be forced to reveal information about his own boss. Still, we have no other choice.

“How many people does she have under her?” I asked while looking at Jin and raising my eyebrows. He shook his head.

“I don't know, forty or fifty men spread out over Seoul, then next to her she has seven specialists protecting her.” Taeil looked up and stared at us.

“You aren't going to go after her, are you? That's suicide.” He looked at us in disbelief.

“We aren't just going after her... we're going to kill her. That's it, and anyone else who gets in our way.” I tightened my fist as I visualised it.

I won't rest until she is gone off the face of this earth.

“You can try to take So Hye out..but you won't be able to get past….her.” He looked down as he said the last part.

“Her?” I cocked my head to the side to try and see his face.

“So Hye's second in command….a truly fearful woman. She goes by the name Rebel….Ripping enemies behind enemy lines…” He sounded worried but it was more like fear for our safety.

Just who is this woman? Rebel…

“You won't even see her coming, if So Hye decides to use her...your group will have little chance to survive.” Taeil's words were strong and direct. He wasn't lying.

Is this one woman really that powerful?

She's not the only powerful one out there though...

“I don't care how strong she is..haven't you heard? I also go by a name...The Monster with no mercy, cause when someone gets on my bad side, I rip them apart without thinking twice, so this Rebel woman can try all she wants, she won't touch me or my men.” I stood tall and crossed my arms.

I'm not letting anyone plant fear or doubt in me. I will take out anyone I need to, and I will kill So Hye.

“I've told you everything. Just kill me already, I know you can't let me go.” Taeil dropped his head in defeat, he was already prepared for death.

Should I kill him...It would be devastating for his younger sister to find out her brother had died. Not to mention, the only reason Taeil was working for So Hye was because he was trying to save his sister so desperately.

I turned my head to the side and looked to Jin, he raised an eyebrow and motioned to the floor. I raised both eyebrows and motioned to Hoseok. Jin closed his eyes and thought for a second then shook his head up and down, giving me the answer I needed.

“It's true we can't let you go..not now anyway. We'll keep you here until this battle is over. Then, we'll let you be with your sister.” I smiled slightly, Jin has a good heart.

“What? But..but I'm your enemy..why would you save me!?” He had more tears filling his eyes as looked back and forth between me and Jin.

“Yes you are our enemy, but you are still a man with a good heart. Right now you're not a threat so I can't kill you.” I crouched down and smiled to him.

“I wouldn't be a real man if I ended your life needlessly.”

Falling for the Enemy | K.NJ Fanfic/Smut. (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now