Chapter 2

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Hey everyone..
Here is another update for you.And there's also a picture of Shahwar for you..All the pictures belong to their rightful and respectable owners and no picture belongs to me..
Do comment and vote and don't forget to share .. :) 

Lightly caressing my fingers on my face I completed my dua and stood up pulling the prayer matt under me.Folding the matt I placed it on the bed before loosening the scarf around my head.The soft pattering of rain reached my ears catching my attention.A soft sign left my mouth as I now stepped towards the double doors leading to the balcony.

Upon opening the doors the fresh smell of Earth and washed leaves and mud filled my nostrils making me inhale large breaths.It had been raining since last night.And now the sky looked beautiful.Dark clouds decorated the horizon with blue painted sky.The very early morning wind was swirling and the leaves rustling with rain pouring.The sun was still missing.There was still some time left before the sun rays would show up.

Extending my hand I felt the soft drops make contact with my skin.The rain and the time of dawn were my favourites.Walking back into my room I closed the double doors and made my bed before leaving the room.

Climbing down the grand staircase I made my way to my Daadi Maa's room.The older lady was already up reading Quran.Seeing me at the door she smiled brightly before beckoning me towards herself.Reaching her bed I said my salam to which she replied and kissed my head lovingly.

Leaving her to read Quran I made my way to the kitchen only to see Mama already there with Naheed Aunty.Naheed Aunty was the eldest daughter in law of my Grandparents.Her husband,Junaid khan my father's big brother had died four years ago after having a heart attack.It was a big shock to the Khan family.After my grandfather he was the one to leave us all behind.Salah was expected to come home but he couldn't make it.Junaid Uncle had raised Salah more than his own father.Salah had a special bonding with him.Naheed Aunty had four children.Her two elder daughters were married whereas her son Arsalan and her youngest daughter Zarah lived with us.

Greeting the ladies I hugged Mama only to see her smile at me.Passing the tea cup towards me she said

"Shahwar go give this tea to your father he is waiting."

Taking the tea cup from her hand I placed it in a tray before going out to the main hall.Baba was sitting there as usual reading the newspaper in his favourite rocking chair.Placing the tray besides him on the wooden table I said softly,

"Salam Baba.I brought tea."

"Walaikum Asalam.How are you my daughter?"

"I am fine Baba."

Smiling at me he fixed his glasses, his green eyes returning to the paper in his hands.

Sometime later as everyone sat at the large dining table to have breakfast I couldn't help but to look at everyone.Daadi Maa , Naheed Aunty Mama, Baba, Yousuf uncle, Meena Aunty, Imraan, Ahya Zarah and lastly to Arsalan.

Arsalan didn't mostly live with us but in England.After his father's death he had taken all the responsibilities of his father.He had taken the Khan Brothers business to a new level.He owned Car Showroom all over England but whenever he would get time he'd come home.

His charcoal eyes raised to me and he frowned.Raising a perfect brow at me as to ask "what's the matter". Shaking my head I looked down at my plate.Unconsiously my eyes glanced at the chair across from me seeing it empty.It was empty for fifteen years now.I sad sigh left my lips.Ten days left before that chair would finally meet it's owner.

Stuffing my mouth with food I wished the ten days to pass really fast.

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