Chapter 12

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It all made sense now.Salah loved Talia that's why he refused to marry me.That's why he rejected me.Fresh tears poured out of my eyes as the realization dawned on me.

All confusions cleared instantly.The way he looked at Talia with admiration and longing.The way he would always roam near her.The smiles and smirks and the laughter.He clearly loved her that's why he had brought her here.

My heart broke into uncountable piece, shattering all around me.Hugging myself I recalled all the events again.Torturing myself more.

Salah even didn't talk to me.He didn't even glance at me.He loved Talia and I loved him.But he wasn't at fault.It was all my fault that my love lead to these events.

Walking to the vanity table I stared at myself.Mascara was smudge against my wet cheeks and my eyes were red from all the crying.My nose was red as I removed the nose ring.Taking off the jewellery I placed it on the table.I unpinned my red dupatta making it fall on the ground.I unclipped my long hair making them fall behind my back.

Getting inside the washroom I washed my makeup.Splashing cold water against my face, I relaxed.Coming back in the room I lie down on the bed.My face pressed against the mattress.

I felt numb now.My head ached a lot as well as my heart.A knock sounded on the door, Imraan's voice reaching my ears,

"Shahwar.. p..please open up."I couldn't take it anymore as I got up.My hands unlocked the door and I pulled it open to look at my brother.He stood in the dimly lit corridor alone.He came in the room and I closed the door again.

He didn't say anything but wrapped his arms around me, making me break down.Hugging him tightly I cried out.He rubbed my back silently.

After some time I backed away as he made us sit on the bed.He brushed my tears and I looked up to see his face ashen.His eyes held tears and it broke me more.

"I am sorry Shahwar.I know how much you loved Salah.I am sorry baby Sis."He embraced me again side ways and I leaned into him.My lips were sealed I couldn't say a word.All energy had drained out of my body making me weak.

"S..Salah could not marry you.He loves..s someone else.He says he hadn't realized it until the nikah started and so he couldn't destroy your life by never loving you because his heart would always be attached to T..Talia's."

Imraan whispered softly.I remained quite trying to absorb his words.Taking my silence as a hint, he continued,

"Talia was unaware of his love until now.Downstairs Uncle Yousuf and Salah are arguing, he's trying to justify himself.Uncle is very angry though Baba is very quite.Mama's tears won't stop and so would Aunty Meena's.Everyone is really sad. "

I closed my eyes for sometime.Imraan stroked my hair lightly making me remember my bitter mehndi night.

Salah hand stroking Talia's long black hair as she leaned against his shoulder.

Shaking my head I brushed Imraan's hand away as he stared at me with sadness in his eyes.

"You want to eat something."He said after some time.Although I was hungry but I shook my head.

"Imraan .."I called out.
"Please leave me alone for sometime."He signed before he obliged.Kissing my head he stood up before going out.Closing the door behind him.

I opened my wardrobe and pulled out a cream white colour Shalwar kameez.I showered and then prayed Isha.Remaining in Sajdah for as long as I could.

The mansion was quite as I walked down the stairs in early morning.The house was still decoration and everything was still as it should be.Everything in its rightful place like it should have been after my marriage.This was all supposed to be like this except for the fact that I wasn't a newly wedded bride.

Two people in the hall got my attention as I slowly walked to them.Licking my dry lips I knelt before my parents.

Mama's eyes were red as she sat besides Baba.Baba looked old and sick.He didn't look like the usual strong man.The man who had held his family at the tine of worst.The man who stood like a barrier against all odds for the family.His face was pained as he looked in my red puffy eyes.

I placed my hand on his knee and brushed Mama's tears with the other hand although my own tears were at bay.

"Baba ..Mama.."I called out softly.

Baba was the first one to speak making me crumble.His large hand holding onto mine,

"Shahwar, forgive me.Forgive your father as I have failed you.I am so sorry I couldn't do anything.Please forgive me.My daughter.My Shahwar ..Please forgive me."He cried out making my heart bleed.

I shook my head at him crying myself.

"Please Baba.No.It wasn't your fault.It wasn't your fault."I tried to say.Mama sobbed her eyes getting red.She leaned forward hugging me to her chest as Baba also wrapped his arms around me.

"Please don't cry."I had whispered to them.

Mama feared to see me like this.She feared seeing me broken that's why I knew she would never come around me.She couldn't see me in pain.She was afraid.So was I.And I knew that.


I had stayed in my room as everyone was served breakfast downstairs.Mama had come in with a tray to feed me.I didn't talk much.After eating I placed my head on her lap as she ran her fingers through my hair.Imraan and Ahya also came to check on me with Daadi Maa but soon left.

Mama's fingers did magic and soon sleep pulled me after sleepless night.

When I woke up again.Mama was not in my room.I didn't wanted to face anyone so I didn't go downstairs.

It was already dark outside as I opened my balcony doors.The door to my room opened and I turned around abruptly only to look at Uncle Yousuf and Aunty Meena.Their face looked ashen.

Aunty Meena didn't waste a minute embracing me as I stood there stiff.We sat down on the bed quietly.

"We are ashamed Shahwar.We are very ashamed of Salah's act.I don't know what to say."Uncle Yousuf said.Aunty Meena curled her fingers around mine.I turned to face her.

"You don't have to be Uncle, Aunty.It was all ALLAH'S plan.We humans have no hand in what ALLAH plans for us.Maybe what happened last night was for the better."I spoke softly.

"Shahwar dear.Salah loves Talia.He brought her here so that we could meet her.He was ready to marry you until he realised that he loved Talia alot.He himself confessed what a huge mistake he made.I am not trying to justify my son as you know we love you more than Salah."Aunty Meena said.

"Tell me, is there anything we could do."She added.

I looked up to their hopeful eyes.I didn't even think before uttering the words that I spoke next, making us all freeze.Shattering the dreams of many.

"Get Salah married to Talia."


Hey SweetieS..A short update, I know .. I'll update soon IN SHAA ALLAH ..

You guys,
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Until Next time habibties :*

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