Chapter 27

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Hi there .. !! How are you people doin' ..??
I have a nice chapter for you here .. Hope you enjoy my Darlings .. :*

"Qubool Hai"

"Qubool Hai"

"Qubool Hai."Salah said as I peered at him from under my lashes feeling a shy smile curve my lips.My bangles clanking against each other as Mama and Aunties moved forward to hug me and wish me.Salah sat across from me on the sofa as he grinned at me making me return the action as my cheeks heated.Ahya made Salah eat a gulaab jamun and then forwarded it to me, to take a bite from the sweet goodie.Mama's teary face came to my view as she patted Salah's head.

Soon Salah and I sat side by side on the garden sofas as the guests came to congratulate us and bless us with their wishes.My lips wouldn't stop smiling from the moment I sat on the sofa for the nikah ceremony.

Salah's friend called him as he excused himself from besides me.And this time I roamed my eyes to look around me.In the late afternoon with no bright sun, every corner of the decorated garden looked bright and colourful.Cream sofas were set all around the green grass with matching chairs.Flowers scattered all around, decorating the large garden.Close relatives and family friends enjoyed the served starters as my family hosted them.Children running around the garden, playing.

A very tired Ahya sat besides me grabbing my attention almost immediately.

"How's it Mrs.Salah Khan?"She said making me grin at her and offer her a glass of water.

"I am very happy Ahya.I don't have words."I stated as my heart kept whispering ALHAMDULILLAH.

She grinned at me before scrunching her nose and pinching my cheeks.

"Ouch"I winced as I rubbed the spot she pinched.

"I am so happy for you my little sister."She said side hugging me making me turn to the glowing woman.Her red dress made her glow more as her light makeup made her features more prominent.Her baby bump visible.

"Am I missing something?"His voice reached my ears making me pull away from Ahya to look at my husband and Imraan.

I shook my head as he sat besides me.Averting my eyes from his handsome face I fiddled with my hands as my sister in law and brother whispered against themselves.

"Give them some privacy Ahya they just got married."Imraan whispered to her before grabbing her hand and helping her to another sofa.

Aunty Meena came to us kissing my forehead before pecking Salah's head.

"Salah.Now she is more close to me, don't you dare hurt her ever again."She scolded him making a small smile to form on my lips.

"I won't.Ever.I promise."He said taking my hand in his.A bag of butterflies unzipped inside my stomach as they danced.

Soon Aunty Meena went to attend some Aunties as they called her.The garden chattering with laughs and talks.

The nikah ceremony was planned almost immediately and the wedding date was too fixed when a week before we came home that night after a romantic proposal.The proposal was pre-planned, me being the only one to not know anything.Daadi Maa had said the wedding to be next week as we now sat here as Husband-Wife staring at eachother.

Daadi Maa had said the wedding to be next week as we now sat here as Husband-Wife staring at eachother

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