Chapter 14

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Another update just for you .. But its going to be a filler chapter .. :)

Brushing my long hair one last time I tied them in a braid humming a soft tune to myself.Zarah walked in grinning and I arched my eyebrows at her,

"Ohho .. someone is in a good mood.!!"She stated.

Making me frown and turn back to the mirror.Placing back the brush on the dressing table I turned to her and shrugged my shoulder.

"No.."I said and she eyed me smirking.

Making my way to the bed I brushed my hand on the bedsheet before sitting on it.She came to my side and took my hand in her,

"Why are you always in your room.I came to take you downstairs."I pulled at my hand making me stand up.Pulling my hand she practically dragged me.

"Slow down Zari..we'll fall."I said catching my breath as we ran down the stairs.Passing the dark hallways I asked her pulling my hand from her death grip but she wouldn't let go.

"Zarah, everyone is sleeping where are you taking me?"

She just put her fingers to her lips shutting me.Making our way across the dark veranda we pulled in the lounge and I was shocked to see the mini party there.Imraan, Ahya, Arsalan, Salah all sat on the sofas with popcorn in their hands and their eyes fixed on the television screen in front of them.The famous bollywood movie "Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Ghum." playing.

Zarah eyebrows wiggled as she made her way to her brother.I also moved to sit besides Imraan's sprawled figure.He noticed my hand sneaking towards his popcorn bucket and he hit lightly on my hand making me grab handful.

Half-way through the movie my eyes turned to look at everyone engrossed in the movie.Zarah's form engulfed in the blanket as she stared wide eye at the screen.Arsalan too looked absorbed.In the dark room my eye found Salah.He was smiling.

It had been three days since Talia left.She didn't call.There was no response to any messages from her side and Salah had been very worried.At dinner table he wouldn't eat.At nights he would mostly be in the balcony staring at the sky.He wouldn't even talk much to anyone so it was rare to see him smiling after three days.

Talia had made everyone worry here.Salah was getting anxious as days passed.He somehow wanted to reach over to her.His eyes spoke so many things yet his lips remained sealed.He also feared Uncle Yousuf as he would ask everyday about Talia and Salah didn't have an answer.

"You're smiling after so many days Shahwar."Imraan said beside me making me turn my face to him.Ahya also leaned towards us.I felt my stretched lips , I was smiling.I looked in the empty popcorn bucket and pouted at him,

"I smile.You just don't see.Always busy in looking at Ahya"I muttered the last part under my breath.He nudged me slightly his attention returning back to the screen but I heard him reply,

"Its good to see you smile."

Heat had travelled to my cheeks as I realized that I wasn't smiling until I saw Salah.

It was he, who was smiling.


It was weekend.Everything had returned back to normal.Normal breakfast, lunch and Dinner.Although we all dearly missed Aunty Firdous's family as they had returned back.

I rubbed my hands under the water trying to get rid of the mehndi.My hands had turned red but all in vain, I couldn't get it off.I groaned turning off the tap.I stared myself in the mirror.My eyes had bags under neath clear evidence of sleepless nights.My skin also looked pale.Splashing water against the reflection I opened the bathroom door walking out.

Mama was in the room engrossed in my wardrobe as she folded some clothes and hanged some.I grabbed her hands and asked,

"What are you doing, Mama?"She turned her brown eyes to me.

"I am keeping these clothes away.These were the ones packed at the time of your wedding and .."She abruptly stopped making me agape at her.There was no wedding.

Her eyes warmed, her hand cupping my cheek,

"I am sorry."She said softly.

I nodded silently and pulled her to the bed.She sat down with me and I put my head in her lap.Her hands instantly going to my hair.

"Mama..."I called out.

"Hmm jaan."

"I want to get rid of this mehndi in my hands.I feel pain in my heart whenever I look at my hands it reminds me of that day.I want to .. I want to get rid of all the pain.I don't wanna be sad.I don't wanna cry.."A sob broke out my mouth making me place my hand on my mouth.I sat up straight.

"Shahwar.No.Zamaad jaan don't cry.She said and wrapped her arms around me pulling me to her chest.She cradled me like I was a little baby making me cry more hard.I placed my head on her shoulder as she hugged me tight, hushing me.

I cried on her shoulder as a daughter would do on her wedding.But what an unlucky daughter I was that my parents had to face my wedding get ruined.

"Shahwar.It's not good to cry.You are always in your room.You should go out.Go to shopping and other things.You should find distraction."She said wiping my tears.

I nodded.

"Ahya has been asking you to go out with her.I'll tell her to get ready and you also get ready.Its only 12 in the morning.And please enjoy a little."She said getting up.

"Okay Mama.."I whispered behind her.She walked out closing the door behind her.

I thought for a moment before I got up to get dressed.

I paced on the patio waiting for Ahya.She came running out and huffed making a sorry face she fixed her bag on her shoulder.

"Lets go"She said.

I nodded.Imraan came towards us making us stop.He pulled Ahya to him and placed his arms around her.Looking over to me he said,

"Don't take forever.Bring her back soon Shahwar."Ahya pulled away blushing and said,

"I'm taking her out Imraan.And we are only going for groceries and some other things."She said.

I narrowed my eyes at him and stuck my tongue out to him making him scrunch his nose.He pecked her nose making me look away.Keeping my hands on my eyes I said,

"Oh ALLAH, my eyes."Imraan laughed and let her go.Ahya hooked her arm around mine as we made our way to the car.A very blushing Ahya looked at my way, her own lips stretched into a beautiful smile.

"Shahwar.Keep smiling.Your smile is bright and beautiful."I looked out of the window nodding lightly.

Little did I know that my smiles were going to be snatched very soon with someone else's smiles..

** *
How's it .. Next one is going to be exciting..
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Until Next Time..

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