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Hello Beautiful People.. Ready to Read the Epilogue ..!!

Play the song and enjoy .. :)
*consider her shoulders covered*

Few Months Later..

I closed my eyes as the tender and juicy meat hit my taste buds.Perfectly cooked with vegetables and gravy the lamb served with rice was an exquisite meal.A took another bite of delicious food and stuffed my mouth with it, savouring its taste.

"How is it ?"Aunty Naheed asked from across the dining table making me show her thumbs up as my mouth was too busy eating.Salah from besides me filled my glass with water as I felt a spicy green chilly suddenly cause havoc in my mouth.

Baba cleared his throat grabbing our attention causing me to turn a little in my seat.

"So Neelum and I have decided go perform Umrah.We were actually waiting for our grandchild and since by the grace of ALMIGHTY ALLAH we have been blessed with one we are going."Baba completed smiling.As my mind processed his words I got up from my seat walking to my mother's seat and hugged her tightly.

"Thats so great Mama Baba.. "I trailed of kissing Mama's cheek seeing her stroke my head lovingly.

"Nawaz that is actually a very good plan.When are you planning to leave?"Aunty Naheed asked.

"IN SHAA ALLAH next week bhabi."My father said.

"Don't worry about anything here bhai.I'll manage everything here."Uncle Yousuf said.

"And Uncle I'll get your tickets tomorrow first thing in the morning."Salah interjected making me smile at him and walk back to my seat besides my husband.

"Thank You Salah"This time Mama said.

Everyone continued eating the Aqiqah lunch enjoying themselves in the warm atmosphere.Seven days before Ahya had given birth to a beautiful and healthy boy.Today was the Aqiqah ceremony (birth celebration).

The newly parents came into the dining hall holding their newborn.Ahya and Imraan were ecstatic since the moment they became parents.

"Photoshoot completed ?" Aunty Meena asked them as they made their way to their seats

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"Photoshoot completed ?" Aunty Meena asked them as they made their way to their seats.

"Yes Aunty"Imraan said.

I had completed my lunch as I stood up from my seat and round the table going to Ahya's side.

"Here .. Give my little Aaryan baby to me while you eat."She handed the little sleeping baby to me carefully as I cradled his small form into my arms.

Walking out from the dining room I called out,
"I am taking him into the hall."

Walking with the cute baby in my arms I settled into a warm sofa.I talked to the little baby for about an hour before he woke and started crying making his father to come running.

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