Chapter 5

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It was a soft whisper from besides me as I broke out of my revive.Turning to face Zarah, I raised my eyebrows at her.Seeing the young girl indicate towards my plate making me realize that I had zoned out.The dinner table was full of laughter and smiles.Looking around myself , I zoned out again.

Just as Uncle Aziz's family was shown the guests room to rest.Uncle Yousuf had called Salah asking him the reason for his delay.The two man had a heated conversation for half an hour until Baba took the phone from his brother and settled the matter.It had occured that Salah was taking the next flight and coming home.

Finishing dinner I helped in cleaning the kitchen and Mama made tea for everyone.Aunty Firdous's was a very decent and active woman and so were her daughters.Shiza and Shazia were very sweet and shy.

Serving everyone late night tea I moved towards my room after telling Mama, she glanced at me her eyes reaching my brown ones as she nodded caressing my cheeks.

As I was about to pray Aunty Meena walked in.Her hands held two paper bags.I smiled at her and she smiled back.Sitting on my bed she patted the space besides her indicating me to sit with her.Taking place on the soft mattress I turned to face her.Cradling my face she said,

"Shahwar, I don't know what to say to you.It is all ALLAH'S planning.Salah didn't come it pains us but I can feel the pain you have.I know the love you have for him.You must be very disappointed.But please don't be.My son, we had separated him from the family at a very young age.Sometimes I tell Yousuf that we shouldn't have sent him there at the age of twelve but he says what is done is done.Salah might have grown there but he still knows everything about here too.Your Uncle and I visit him once in two years but we have taken everyone possible step to make sure Salah know his limitations and culture.When he will come home you'll see the man you have dreamed of.Your Salah."

Tears flowed down my cheeks as I stared at my hands in my lap.She wiped my tears and tilted my chin towards her kissing my forehead she wiped her own tears.

"I brought these dresses for the other day.I hope you like them."

Wrapping my arms around her I embraced her.Saying Thank You I accepted the gifts.And she left.

Spreading the prayer mat I prayed before sleeping.


My hair were in a bun unlike yesterday and I wore no makeup.Everyone was again at the porch waiting for Salah.Arsalan had gone to pick him up.Gripping the edge of my dupatta I curled it around my finger in anticipation and then releasing it and repeating the motion.The black escalade pulled in the driveway.My heart was running unusually fast and my breathing was quick.It seemed as if all energy had drained out from my body and my knees would buckle any minute.

The car doors opened and the most handsome man stepped down.Of course I had seen his pictures but never had I imagined that seeing him in flesh would be so beautiful.Dressed in black shirt and jeans, his broad shoulders supporting a leather jacket.His dark brown hair were a mess falling onto his forehead.Making him look so unreal.His tall frame moved around as he bent towards Daadi Ma.Taking her hand in his, he kissed it before taking it to his eyes.The way we were taught when we were young.And then he said something to her grandmother and she hugged him.His smile was so contagious that the other couldn't resist.Embracing Baba, Salah tightened his arms and Baba reciprocated.Taking blessing from Mama and then he greeted his parents.Aunty Meena almost cried her tears of joy flowing down her cheeks.Aunty Naheed Stroked his head. And then he saw Zarah.

"Look at you, you're so grown up.You were three when I left" His accent thick and his voice deep.

"I wish Baba was here." Zarah said as she turned back a little to look at me.I gulped Salah looked shocked and his face morphed into pain but then he trailed his eyes to Zarah's gaze.His green sparkling eyes met mine and I felt the world stop.Everyone seemed to disappear it was only me and Salah.He stared at me as if he was seeing me for the very first time.His expression giving off nothing.My heart was pounding so loud that I feared someone standing besides me could hear it too.He didn't blink his eyes and nor did I.

Everything blurred around me except him but then the small nudge made me avert my eyes.Breaking the spell.I didn't turn to look at Imraan who nudged me because my eyes were occupied in looking at the beautiful girl who came rounding the escalade to stand beside Salah.Her long black hair with teal streaks flowed with the wind.Her eyes dark brown and winged eyeliner making her lashes stood up more.The cherry lipstick on her lips made her look more beautiful.She supported jeans and a t-shirt with a brown jacket.Her big eyes moving around us.

Just as me everyone else also seemed to be shocked or dazed until Aunty Meena stepped forward and asked,

"Salah, who is she."

Salah glanced at the girl before looking at his mother again.He seemed hesitant.

"Ma, She is Talia .. my friend."

Salah introduced everyone to her as she greeted.My eyes moved to Arsalan's charcoal one as he folded his arms across his broad chest and smirked.Leaning against the large vehicle he passed me an assuring smile.

After showing Talia her guest bedroom I helped Zarah to set the table for lunch.While working in the kitchen Mama would glance at me here and then.But my mind was so occupied with Salah that I couldn't react on something else.

As everyone was called for Lunch.The complete family lunch started.The men instantly got immersed in business but Salah didn't look interested so he said,

"No business talk on the table.I am just back."

Daadi Ma agreed almost instantly.Filling my plate with rice I took a small bite.The chair across from me was occupied my Talia as Salah set besides her.She seemed like a sweet girl.As she easily got merged with us.

I was eating silently when I felt a stare at me.Looking around the table I saw Salah looking at me.I was thinking to avert my gaze when he said,

"Shahwar, your grown up.I thought you would still be a little Baba's girl."

This earned chuckles from Baba and others.I smiled and averted my gaze.Heat flaming my cheeks at the words Uncle Yousuf said.

"Salah, she is soon to be your bride.She had to grow up."

Salah looked shocked at his fathers words and Talia looked happy.She smiled brightly at me and said in her thick accent,
"Thats nice to hear."

Salah is finally here..But with a beautiful girl.. Wohhoo
So how is the chappie..
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Until next time

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