A Note From Haf...

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Assalam O Alaikum all Lovelies.. How are you all My Dear.. So how are you liking the Story so far and do you like Shahwar's pictures... Salah would soon be entering the story and our lives but I've decided that I will post no pictures for him because I imagine him to be very ideal and very perfectly handsome and I till now haven't seen someone like him so yeah.. And the chapters aren't edited I could point out the tiny mistakes but please bear ..
And one very important thing .. I wanted to ask how do you like Arsalan's character .. you have to like him .. I've decided I will write a separate story for him because aren't you guys curious to know about 'her'..
Lastly thank you all for the lovely and encouraging comments that just make my day .. I've told my family about all of you and all of your comments and they are as happy as me.. I am so blessed to have you people in my life ..
Next update is going to be very soon IN SHAA ALLAH and I will try a write a big and long chapter ..
So till then Vote , Comment , Follow and Share alot .. And do tell me about Shahwar's picture .. Lots of love for you all ..
Until next time.. <3

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