Chapter 7

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"I want to ask something from you Bhaijaan".Uncle Yousuf said to Baba before sharing a look with his wife.My mind remarked it was something very important.

My eyes searched Arsalan as I saw the man leaning against the sofa on which his mother sat when he noticed my stare his he gave me a tight smile assuring me.Everyone's expectant eyes glued to Uncle Yousuf's form.

"Maa"Uncle Yousuf leaned forward his arms resting against his knees as he grabbed his mother's permission.

"Bhaijaan, I think its time we get the kids married.Meena and I want your daughter, Shahwar's hand in marriage for our son Salah."Uncle Yousuf's eyes moved to Salah and so did mine.My breath had hitched and my hands trembled as I bit the inside of my cheeks.Salah looked up once at Baba before he looked down again.A small smile settling on his face.

Mama's fingers squeezed my hand once more and I settled my gaze on my lap.Baba looked over to Mama and she smiled.Daadi Maa said then,

"Nawaz, Shahwar has waited all these years for Salah.But your decision will always matter."

Baba's gaze turned to be as he observed his mother's words.He smiled a bright smile at me making me respond the same way.

"I give my Shahwar's hand for Salah."Baba's words made the hall erupt with happiness as Ahya and Imraan and others clapped and the elders embraced each other.I sat there shyly.Aunty Firdous got up and said,

"I'll bring the sweets."

Mama and Baba hugged me tightly kissing my head followed by Uncle Yousuf and Aunty Meena.Imraan squeezed the living lights out of me.Then Daadi Maa called me and Salah towards her.Salah and I settled towards her feet as she kissed our head and taking my hand she placed it in Salah's large one.My hand fitted perfectly against his.Shazia clicked pictures as Aunty Firdous made everyone eat sweets.

Talia came forward 'Congratulating' us.Her gaze fixing to Salah's eyes.They both stared at each other and an unknown emotion bloomed in my heart.Salah's face was neutral as he looked at Talia but soon she was replaced by Aunty Naheed.
The night finished off fixing the wedding date ..

The Khans Mansion buzzed with guests and working men who decorated the house.The Wedding was placed at the end of the month and the preparations were in full swing.

The late august wind brushed past me as I stared at the city lights from the main balcony of the Mansion.Ahya sipped her tea and then turned towards me,

"Are you happy ?"

Her question caught me off guard.I was getting married to the love of my life.I was happy.But was I truly.There was something off about Salah.His behavior was always unpredictable.

"I am" I answered.


"Ahya, I am gonna sleep.I am tired."

"Sure, get your beauty sleep.Its only a week before you get married."She said standing up.

Once I was in my room, I got ready to sleep.Getting in the bed I pulled the covers switching off the side lamp.

A yawn escaped my lips as I thought of the day.Now my days were usually spent in selecting dresses, jeweleries and sandal and what not.Mama made sure everything to be of my choice but I rather preferred her choice.

Rubbing my eyes I tried to stay awake but sleep pulled me towards itself taking me to a land of dreams.

Aunty Meena paced around her room.Her hands on her hips.I asked

"What is the matter Aunty."

She stopped and turned around.Coming to Ahya's side she said,

"I don't know Shahwar, you tell, Salah's should wear a cream Shirwani or a black one."

"I..I don't know.Maybe he could wear a matching one."I said.

"Okay"She said thinking something.Picking up her phone she said,

"I'll call the designer then."

A thought crossed my mind as I said,

"Aunty, please don't show me the wedding dress until the wedding day"
Aunty Meena smiled and nodded.

So beautiful people what do you think ?? Salah and Shahwar are getting married finally.
This one is a short chapter, I am in a hurry.. but the next chappie will be a long and detailed one.. How was the last chapter.. ?? Some 'ShahLah' moments ;) ..So comment alot and Votes.. Your comments and votes just make my day .. The next chapter will be dedicated to the one who comments the most in Chapter 6 & 7 .. So you guys better start up..
Love you all .. Comment , Vote , Follow and Share ..
Until next time Sweeties..
_ Hafsa :-*

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