There was a rumble from outside my window.
Suddenly flashes began appearing in the gray canvas sky.
One flash.
Two flashes.
Birds, dogs, every animal in the neighbourhood began panicking.
Dogs began joining in with the rumbling, barking along like it's karaoke night.
Birds were screeching, hiding.
Flying into to trees to escape from the inescapable.Squirrels and rabbits began rustling in the bushes and near by trees.
My roof was wet from the previous shower.
Staring into the joyless sky,Lighting hitting a tree from the near by forest.
The fear in me was nonexistent.
The sky was screaming along with the animals.
The sky cried and from the emotionless sky,
A flood fell from the canvas; creating a splash of liquid over my roof.
My arms were becoming soaked in the rain.
A third flash.
Lightning erupted from the lifeless sky.
Everything was quiet apart from the sky.
No more dogs barking along with the mellow rumble.
No more rabbits and squirrels rustling in the brush.
No more birds flying away from the threat.
It was only the weather and I.
No one to enjoy the peace and quiet.
Apart from the personified Sky and I.
Still, I was not afraid of the near death that was happening outside of my bedroom window.
It was a melancholy evening.
The date I had with the inescapable,
It was nearing so suddenly.
The threat that catches up to all people.
The mellow rumbling stopped.
Droplets of insignificant water fell softly on my window.
The neighbourhood was quiet once again.
The Thunder and Lightning left.
Leaving the loneliness and I.
The inescapable and I.
"Our date has begun."
Poetry(n). A blend of homesickness, nostalgia and deep longing for something, especially one's home in Wales; an ode to the loss of our homeland, our language and our traditions. •I update this quite infrequently :(•