Chapter 7

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After an hour or so of swimming, we all dried off and had a delicious dinner consisting of a potato salad and pasta salad, steak with a chive sauce, and some grilled orange carrots at the table outside since it was so nice out. Niall, did indeed end up staying for dinner as my Mom told him he was welcome to stay. Once we finished dinner, my Mom placed an amazing selection of desserts in front of us all. There were cookies, cupcakes, and huge slices of a sweet chocolate cake with chocolate icing. It was probably some of the most heavenly food I had ever eaten. By the time I was finished,so was Niall, my brothers, sisters, and cousins. As usual, the adults stayed at the table to chat and drink their coffee, as we all excused ourselves and parted our separate ways. This time, Jackson and Andrew made their way up to Jackson's bedroom. Kaylee and Ava went over to the family room to watch some tv and took their seats on the couch. Again, Caden with the parents. Meanwhile, Aubrey, Addison, and I headed upstairs to get changed, while Niall headed to his house to grab some dry clothes.

I headed into my closet, Addison in my room, and Aubrey in my bathroom to get changed. I stripped of my bikini, replacing it with a white and aqua vertical striped pajama shorts along with a shirt that matched it. By the time I was done, so was Aubrey and Addison. I walked into my bathroom, placing my bathing suit I was wearing in my sink, and the three of us headed down stairs.

To my surprise, Niall was waiting at the stairs for us to come down.

"Hi Niall," I said as he gave me a quick hug.

"Hey guys," he said.

"Well, nobody is down stairs so let's go hang out down there," I suggested.

We walked down the carpeted stairs and I took in the sight, being only down here for a few seconds once before since it was a new house. To the right of the stairs was a huge bar and chair, to the left, a large pool table. Through a double door next to the bar led to an enormous couch and flat screen tv, along with a few reclining chairs. Next to it was a nice bathroom, and to the other side was a play area for the kids. Several storage closets lined the walls containing storage space and a gym. Carpeted and wooden flooring, bright lighting and picture frames decorated the basement as we took a seat on the comfy couch. Aubrey was on one side of me, Niall on my other, and Addison sat next to Aubrey.

Using the remote I turned on the tv, flipping to a movie chanel. On came Twilight which we decided to stay on and watch for a bit. Niall pulled me closer to him and I laid in his arms for a while, all of us silent and deep in thought, watching the movie.

Carefully, he took my phone out of my hands and turned it on, typing in the passcode I had told him earlier on. Successfully, he unlocked my phone and went to the contacts app. He clicked the add new contact button and typed in his name along with his number.


Phone: ***-***-****

The movie was almost over when my Aunt Holly called down, startling all of us.

"Kids! We are going to get going!" she told them.

The four of us stood up from our seats and walked up the stairs to the main floor of my house. I hugged Aubrey, Addison, Ava, Andrew, Aunt Holly, and Uncle Joe goodbye as they walked out the door, along with my Grandma and Grandpa.

"Iz, I should probably get going too. Text me okay," he smirked as he walked out.

"Okay," I said quietly, smiling to myself.

I closed the door behind him and walked up to my room, passing Amber's room on the way.

"Isabelle?" I turned to the voice of my sister and walked into her room.

"You sure that nothing's going on between you and Niall," she asked with a smirk.

"I'm sure. He is the only person I have met. Right now, he is my closest friend, nothing more, I swear."

"Okay, well, night Iz," she whispered as I walked out and into my own room.

I looked out my window when I realized my window had a view of Niall's house, and his room.

I could see through my windows
through his that he was in his room by his. I quickly opened it and threw a pencil at his window from my desk, shutting it right after.

He turned his head, waving when he saw me. He took a piece of paper and wrote, a few words on it before facing it towards me.

N: Hi Iz:)

I wrote a few words on a pice of paper in response and so on.

I: Hey Nialler;)

N: school in a few days:/

I: tell me bout it:/ but maybe I will get to make more friends

N: true true sit at a lunch table with me?

I: course I will:)

N: well I have to get going... bed.... but I'll talk to u tomorrow - Night Iz

I: k night Nialler

And with that, I fell asleep.


Is it too fast if the next chapter is already the first day of school? my idea was that this was a few days before and that they still hung out in that time from this chapter to the school one but events between it just won't be described in detail too much???

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