Chapter 40

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By 11:15 on the dot, everyone had arrived. Niall led his family to rooms after introducing them to everyone, and I led mine to where they would be staying for the night and introduced them to everyone as well. The Christmas tree in the family room was surrounded in easily a hundred gifts at the least, just from giving gifts from family to family. My Dad had placed fire in the fireplace and lit it, to give a warm and cozy feeling, with a small sizzling sound, and a little bit of light that it would give off. The curtains on the first floor were all open wide, showing the beautiful scene of snow flurries dancing down and taking a place on the ground, decorating trees, making the world white. Christmas carols were playing in the background softly as everyone talked amongst themselves. Jack, Brian, Jake, and Greg were all hanging out and getting to know each other, Niall hung with them a bit too in the basement. Caden, Olivia, and Jimmy, 2,4, and 3, sat in the family room playing with toys on the floor. Denise was with them and Theo played a bit as well with them. Amber, Aubrey, Mallory, Addison, and myself were all going up to my room, Kaylee and Ava in Kaylee's room. Basically everyone was hanging out with whoever was around their age.

I led the four girls up to my bedroom, up the spiral stairs, and through the hallway. When I pushed open the door, Mallory gasped at the sight, since my room could be said to be very large.

"This is my room, make yourself feel at home," I explained, motioning for them to sit.

We all jumped onto my bed and sat in a circle. I sat centered on the headboard, with Aubrey to my right, then Addison, Amber, and Mallory on my left side.

"So you and Niall are official right?" Mallory asked.

"That's right," I smiled.

"Why don't you tell the full story, Iz," my sister smirked.

"Okay well September 13 is both of our birthdays so we had a picnic on the beach, he sang to me, we walked along the beach when he put a necklace around my neck and asked me to be his girlfriend, and the we just watched the ocean and the sunset while laying down," I explained.

"Awh, that's so sweet! I knew Niall had a girlfriend but I knew none of the details," Mallory laughed.

"So, any of you dating anyone that I should know about?" I questioned.

"Christopher, but we have been saying for a while. You guys already know this," Amber smirked.

"A boy named Ethan, he asked me out in October," Addison said as she blushed.

"Aubrey, you and Shane still going strong?" Amber asked.

"A full year," she smiled.

"How about you Mallory?" I asked.

"Matt, I work with him," she smiled just at the thought of him.

We all let out our girly giggles as we gossiped before there was a knock on the door, followed by someone walking in. I wasn't paying attention but I knew it was Niall when the person hugged me from behind.

"Can I steal her for a second?" Niall asked.

The girls laughed before saying, "Why of course!"

He pulled me off of the bed and took my hand as we walked out and into the hallway.

"I missed you," Niall whispered into my ear softly as my back pressed against the wall.

His lips met my neck, sending shivers down my spine as he kissed it softly.

"Missed you too Nialler, but you could have just joined us, I was only two floors above you," I laughed.

"Two floors too much," he smirked before pressing his lips against mine, one hand under my chin, his other around my waist.

When he pulled away he rested his forehead at mine, the two of us getting lost in each other's eyes.

"So, want to go down-oh," I heard Kaylee say as she opened her bedroom door, obviously curious to why Niall was holding me and why I was against the wall.

"Go down stairs Kayls," I told her, Ava and herself ignoring what happened and walked downstairs.

"Guess we have to be more careful," I laughed.

"Guess so," he smiled before quickly pecking me on the lips, before we walked back into my room.

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