Chapter 50

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"Niall!" I shouted as a handful of flour hit my face.

We were attempting to make Greg's birthday cake that Maura wanted Niall to make, although things were not going as well as planned. Niall didn't have the patience to wait for any of the food to be done, so he decided to make things more 'fun' by throwing flour at my face only two seconds in. I tried to ignore it and continued to crack eggs into a cup until Niall grabbed me from behind.

"Ah!" I squealed as he lifted me up and spun me around.

He took another look at the flour, before taking the whole bag and dumping it on my head. I wiped my eyes and grabbed to eggs, chasing him as he began to run away.

"Ow, Niall, stop!" I shouted as I faked a trip and laid on the ground.

He rushed over to me.

"Oh my god, Iz what's wrong? Are you okay? I'm so sorry," he kept talking and talking.

"It's just that-," I strolled mid sentence and cracked the two eggs on his head before standing up and running off.

"Oh you little joker!" he screamed, chasing me once again.

Somehow we ended up back in the kitchen and he stared straight into my eyes, pushing me back against the wall, both of us calling the chase off as he pressed his lips into mine.

I let out a small moan as I played with his hair and his fingers moved up and down my face.

"This is so gross," I said, pulling apart.

Niall looked hurt, thinking I was talking about him.

"No, I mean the eggs and flour that's all over both of us, and now in my hands," I laughed.

"Hi kids, I'm-,"Maura walked in the door and looked at the mess in the kitchen.

"What happened here?" she laughed.

I was shocked because I thought she would be mad at us.

"Uh, we were making cake, and then this happened," Niall explained.

"Just go wash up and clean the kitchen, then actually make the cake," she said walking out of the room.

The two of us took a quick shower, one after the other, and I threw on my leggings that I was wearing since they didn't get dirty, I just had to wipe off some flour and Niall lent me a sweatshirt to wear. He changed as well and we went back down stairs to clean up the kitchen, trying to make it as clean as possible. We wiped down the counter and the ground, threw out the empty bag of flour, and vacuumed before finally following the recipe correctly and successfully baked a two tier tipsy turvy cake, which would be iced of different shades of the color blue icing. By the time we were done everything, I was pretty impressed with what we had done. Cool designs and perfectly piped and smooth icing sat on the cake making it look extremely professional. I smiled at the product and Niall gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Ring ring

Ring ring

I clicked the answer button and held the phone up to my ear.

"Hello," I said.

"Hi, is this Isabelle Hudson?" a British accent asked.

"Yes, who is this?"

"This is Simon Cowell," I could picture him smirking as my jaw dropped and Niall mouthed for me to put it on speaker once he heard who it was.

"Oh, hello!"

"I watched the performance at your school, I was given a recorded copy since the boys are on my record label. Anyways, I want to sign you and I want you to be One Direction's opening act on their tour," I gasped at his words.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"100 percent serious. You have talent and I would like to meet with you next week," he said.

"Okay, thank you so much," I grinned.

"No problem, now bye bye," he said, hanging up.

"Oh my god, I'm going to be a signed recording artist."

(Later On)

"Mom, Simon Cowell called me. I'm going to be a signed recording artist. I'm going on tour with One Direction, I'm going to be their opening act, and yes I'm completely serious.

Her jaw dropped.

"Oh my god, Isabelle, congratulations," she smiled proudly, obviously stunned.

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