Chapter 42

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I could hear the footsteps of children walking around in their bedrooms, the constant chatter of Kaylee and Ava wondering what they would receive as they opened each gift that awaited under the Christmas Tree. I slowly opened my eyes, stretching my arms slightly, not wanting to wake Niall who was sleeping in bed with me, the girls on a mattress on the ground. When I turned my head, I saw a pair of icy cold blue eyes looking straight at me, myself not knowing how long he was awake for.

"Morning sunshine," he smiled at me, giving me a quick kiss.

I smiled back as we laid down in peace, until Jackson and Andrew ran into my room, jumping up and down in their pajamas, desperately wanting us to wake up. Sure enough, their calls of,"Wake up!" and screams were just loud enough to wake up the whole floor.

Niall and I laughed as Mallory, Aubrey, and Addison slowly woke up, thinking something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" Addison asked tiredly.

"Nothing is wrong, it's Christmas silly!" I laughed.

After several minutes, Andrew and Jackson managed to wake up everyone who was still sleeping. Niall stepped out of bed, dragging me along, the rest of the girls following behind us. We made our way down to the kitchen, waiting for everyone to make their way up from the basement. One by one, they followed out and we all entered the family room that was connected to the kitchen.

The smell of pine hit me as I walked in, my Dad opening the curtains exposing a view of a white Christmas, the falling snow that was non- stop picking up it's pace, snowing harder than before. All of the little ones ran to the window, Jimmy, Olivia, Theo, Caden, Andrew, and Jackson, before rushing over to the Christmas tree and taking a seat. There were presents labeled, From Santa, To___, on many of the gifts, others being exchanged from family member to family member. We went through all the gifts, making everyone a pile of what was theirs. The younger ones opened up their gifts first, everyone watching as they did so. I loved watching their little faces light up at the sight of a new toy, a small stuffed animal, a Barbie doll, as I leaned my head on Niall's shoulder, smiling at everyone in front of me, their happiness making me happy. Soon enough, the older ones, being me, Niall, and so on, opened our gifts, followed by a 'Thank you' and a hug to the one who gave the gift. By the time I was done, I had received 3 baby lips, several gift cards including Starbucks, a few magazines, some nail polish, scarves, candy, some clothing that I adored, spa baskets filled with soap, lotions, and shower gels, fuzzy socks and a new pair of vans. Of course there was more being that there were 37 people at the house, all of which I loved so very much. Once we were all done, and the parents took their turn exchanging a few gifts, all the kids grabbed the ribbons from the boxes, and started wrapping them around my Dad, around his feet so he couldn't walk, hands, and basically anything else. It was a funny little family tradition we liked to do, and this year Niall's family joined in. Eventually we ran out of the hundreds of ribbons and helped the adults cleaned up the mess that was all over the ground in the family room. I took my pile of gifts and brought them up to my room, putting everything away and changed into a red Christmas sweater with white designs on it. I slipped a pair of leggings on my legs, and pulled back some of my hair, clipping in a gold bow. I put on a new pair of fuzzy socks before going back down stairs, greeted by everyone now dressed, and sitting at the table as all the Dad's worked together to prepare a breakfast buffet. Fruit and bacon were placed on dishes waiting to be taken, toast, eggs, and french toast on others, with maple syrup at the end of the food line. We all stood in a line, waiting to fill our dishes with amazing food on Christmas morning. My Mom had placed candles on the table, and opened the curtains, once again giving a nice and cozy holiday feeling in the house. Almost all the food was gone by the time everyone was done, including Niall who is rarely full.

Niall tapped my leg and I turned to him.

"I still have to give you my gift," Niall smiled.

I looked to the parents asking to be excused, which they allowed us both too.

I ran to my room, grabbing my gift to him which was placed in a huge box and wrapped. Niall led me out to my backyard wearing his clothes and a jacket.

"Open yours first," I told him.

"You didn't have to get me anything."

"But I already did, would of no matter what, and I wanted to," I laughed.

He ripped off the wrapping paper and opened the top of the box, gasping at the sight in front of his own two eyes. Carefully, he pulled the guitar out of the box with wide eyes.

"Iz, this is perfect, thank you!" he asked amazed.

"No need to thank me Nialler, you deserve it. You're the best," I smiled, giving him a kiss.

He strummed it a few times before pulling a paper from his pocket, and handing it to me.

Vacation with the lads and girls? my treat:)

He looked at me with pleading eyes. I nodded and gave him a big hug.

"We don't know when or where yet though," he laughed.

"That's okay," I replied.

He pulled out another box.

"Niall you didn't have to get me another thing,let alone anything at all," I told him.

"But I wanted to," he smirked.

He kneeled down on one knee.

"Before you say anything, don't worry, I'm not asking you to marry me," the two of us laughed.

He pulled a ring from the small bag in the box and took my hand.

"This is a promise ring. One day, I want to marry you. I want to spend the rest of my life and grow old with you, live life, have kids, be together forever. I love you Isabelle Marie Hudson, I love you so much. I promise that I do and always will live you," he said.

"I love you too Niall, and I promise that I will forever and ever," I smiled as he slipped the ring on to my finger, picked me up and spun me around, before kissing me softly on the lips.

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