Chapter 1

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"Do as you are commanded, pet!" 

I shivered, trying sustain any warmth. Why was it so cold? The dungeon was dark and it smelled like mold. And blood. My blood.

"Yes master." I bowed my head, tears falling yet I couldn't move to wipe them away.

The clock struck noon from upstairs.

I had officially turned eleven.

I jolted awake, the nightmare causing my body to shake. The room that I had been provided with when I became the blue Paladin was nice. A lot nicer than I'm used to. I pulled the warm blanket tighter around me, trying conserve heat. It was hard though, my wings making it nearly impossible for the blanket to close around my slender frame. Shivering, I traced a scar on my stomach. 

Because of the nightmare, my wings were flared and taut, as if ready to burst into flight at a seconds notice. I doubt they'd stay in the air very long though. I haven't been taking good care of them and they were in desperate need of attention. 

It wouldn't be so bad if I let them out, but I have been keeping my wings hidden from my team. I wasn't ashamed of them, I loved my wings. They were beautiful. Solid white with gold lining at the tips. My flight feathers were strong and my downy was soft and plump. 

It was more of a precaution. 

I didn't want them to do anything bad. 

Growing up, I learned very quickly that having wings is very dangerous. 

No one knows why it is that humans have animal traits. They just do. Everyone human is born with some kind of trait, usually determined by your ancestry. Whatever animal trait your parents have is the one you're most likely to get. If your parents have different animal traits then you'll get one, but nobody can predict which one until the ultrasound. 

Cat and dog traits were the most common. Usually people born under the cat family had ears and tails and people born under the dog family tended to have snouts and fangs. Other animals occurred as well, just not as often. 

But wings were the rarest animal trait. 

On average, only about one hundred people with wings are born a year, and that number had been declining steadily due to the treatment of those with wings. 

People born with wings are often drugged and kidnapped. Then they get sold to people who want to use them for however they please. Trinket, pet, trophy, slave. That's why people with wings went into hiding. 

My mom was born with wings, as was my abuela and my siblings. We all had the trait. We went into hiding, my mom trying to save all of us. But it didn't work very well. I remember getting kidnapped. I remember being sold. And I remember her. I doubt I could ever forget her. 

A draft blew through the room and I stood up, my bare feet hitting the cold floor. I didn't want to be alone right now. I padded over to Hunk's room. 

Hunk was the only one who knew what I was. 

Him finding out was completely accidental...

"Hey Lance I found your--" Hunk slowly stopped talking as he stared at me in awe. I jumped and covered myself, trying but failing to hide my majestic wings with a towel. 

"HUNK!" I cried. 

" have wings..?" Hunk asked, his adorable bear ears twitching with confusion. 

"I..I," I fumbled trying to come up with words. Hunk merely grinned and tackled me in a hug. I was tense at first, frightened that Hunk was going to hurt me, but relaxed into his embraced after a few seconds. 

"Woah, Lance," Hunk said, stepping back and staring at the scars that littered my body. I hid them, suddenly self conscious. "Where did you get those?"

"I....I didn't exactly have the best childhood...what with wings and all.." I hinted, not wanting to tell him what had happened to me.

Realization sparked in his eyes before he looked at me woefully. "I'm so sorry Lance," Hunk said. "I promise I will protect you." 

"Thanks buddy." 

I smiled warmly at the memory. Hunk was a good friend. I lightly knocked on his door. I heard shuffling until Hunk opened it. He looked at me, taking in my trembling appearance before stepping aside to let me in. "Nightmare?" he asked. 

"Yeah," I said. He nodded sadly and sat next to me on the bed.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Not really," I said. "Can we Or are you tired? I don't want to bother you if your tired, I can just go..." I started rambling, the nerves messing with my filter. Hunk grabbed my wrists to keep me from leaving. If it was anyone else I would've flinched, but I trust Hunk.

"Lance it's okay, I'm not tired," Hunk said, pulling me back. "Why don't we go steal that video game from Pidge and play that, huh?"

"That sounds good," Lance said. "But we'll have to wrestle it from her. Wolves are possessive."

"Yeah I know," Hunk said, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "But I got an idea."


"You want my alien mario kart and in return I get..." Pidge asked, pushing her glasses up her face. Of course Pidge would make it seem like a drug deal.

"I'll make you some steak," Hunk said. Pidge's eyes sparked and her adorable nose perked at the thought of steak. Her nose (or snout) was small and petite yet sharp and slightly darker than the rest of her body. She tapped her claws against the table for a second while she decided. 

"Fine," she said finally. She reached behind her and handed the game to me. I thanked her and rushed out of the room before she started sniffing me. 

"Hunk you, my friend, are a genius," I said with a laugh. 

"I know," was Hunk's reply. He set up the game and popped us some weird alien popcorn that was green but surprisingly delicious. We played until the early morning, gossiping and laughing and just having fun. 

Hunk was a true blessing. 

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