Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

A violent rattle wakes me up. I pry my eyes open to see an open road. My heads lays gently on a cool window. My whole body slumps to the side.

Where am I? In shock and realization, I lift myself up in an upright position. My waist is fasten with a seat belt keeping me from really moving.

I turn my head and see a man. I'm being kidnapped!

This man notices my movements and speaks, "You alright?"

Dazed, I don’t know what to say. I am extremely thirsty and hungry. Overall, I feel weak.

"Water." I say quietly and stupidly. My voiced croaked in an effort to say something.

Reaching across me, he opens a glove box. He pulls out a water bottle and lays it on my lap along with a granola bar. To thirsty to do anything else, I chug it down. My lips, once cracked and dry, are now moist. I keep drinking until the whole thing is gone.

I turn towards this man, noticing his muscular figure. He has green-brown eyes and chocolate brown hair.  He wears a ratted, old, leather brown jacket with a white tank top underneath. He has blue jeans with a belt tightly secured around.

I stop looking at him and take in my surroundings. I was in a rusty R.V with miscellaneous junk lying around in the back. 

"Is this where you live?" My voice came out stronger as I opened up the granola bar. 

He stares, "Not exactly. Are you going to tell me what happened out there?"

I'm confused for a second until I realize how I got here in the first place. "I'm a mutant." I cringe when I say it. He should just pull over now a kick me out. 

He notices my look of shame and glances at me. "Being a mutant is nothing to be ashamed of."

"Yes it is." I take a bite of my snack and I realize how hungry I really am. "You should just kill me." I say as an afterthought. What am I worth alive anyways. I have no life. When he doesn't say anything I speak again, "Who are you?"

His eyes are focused on the road. "Logan."

"Logan, are you a mutant?" 

"Yeah." He seemed to get uncomfortable. "Where do you need to get dropped off kid?"

I feel guilty. He doesn't want me here obviously. I'm barging in his life and he wants me to leave. Death, seems like an option now. Would I rather die of starvation or commit suicide, one less honorable than the rest. 

"You can drop me off here." I better leave him alone now. He saved my life, what more can I ask for. I know I won't make it long out there, but if I am meant to die it’s meant to happen. 

"Don't you have a home?" Why did he have to ask that? 

I turn towards him slowly, "I told my mom I was a mutant, and she kicked me out." I say it surprisingly without any emotion. I'm done feeling pity. I'm done with the tears and pain. I'm done. 

Sorrow fills his face, "I can take you to an academy for mutants like you, if you want. You'll fit right in." A school designed for people like me? "I'm headed there anyways."

I don't know if I'm cut out for that. I haven't even accepted my powers yet. My parents would be ashamed of me even thinking of trying to fit it. I should've died on the side of the road. I think it would bring them more joy finding out I'm dead then going to some academy. 

But I can't give up an offer like that, "Okay." It's worth a try. 

After about 30 minutes of driving on open road, Logan pulls into a gas station. I used the restroom and he lets me get a snack. Once he fills the car up on gasoline, we head back onto the road. 

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