+ chapter 5

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my original intentions had been abandoned; i did not attend the meeting at the cafe musain that evening. there were numerous reasons; my intellect had been exhausted by the varying events of the day, and my wit did not much wish to cooperate, either— not that i had ever participated in the meetings of les amis, nor did i wish to. not to mention that, still much to my surprise, enjolras had invited me into his home. i had much to explore, so much to do and an impending sensation that i had so little time!

my actions were embarrassingly cautious: a foreign action for me. i was typically an abrasive, brash little street rat, yet i was currently acting like a bashful child being introduced to a stranger.

"my home is now yours," enjolras remarked. "you are welcome to all of my possessions."

as if all of the valuable items in his home had no worth, i was captivated by the extensive bookshelf in his living room: i did not read much; in fact, it had been a terribly long time since i last glimpsed at a book, but i delighted myself in it and the opportunity to do such a thing excited me.

enjolras noticed this and said, "you may read whatever you would like. in honesty, i do not look at those books often. i'm just as excited as you are to see what treasures you may discover there."

i smiled. "thank you. i believe i should enjoy myself here, but i should not stay for more than a few days. my father will be unhappy if i don't return home eventually, and i do not wish to intrude." i had felt guilty enough regarding my acceptance of his invitation without the slightest refusal or disagreement.

"as you wish," he answered indifferently. "the meeting at cafe musain is shortly, do you wish to accompany me?"

i reflected on this briefly before shaking my head. "not tonight, i'm afraid. i should like to accustom myself to my surroundings first."

enjolras nodded. "then i shall return to you within a few hours."

following apollo's sudden departure, i began to roam about his house. he had been so kind as to extend an invitation such as this to me— perhaps it was the kindest action ever carried out for me. it wasn't as though i experienced generosity on a daily basis, for i was a notorious thief who stole in order to survive on the unforgiving streets in this wretched city.

his home was grand, yet modest. the furnishings were lovely and each piece had a consistent theme of red, and the ceiling was an astounding height! it was the most remarkable feat of his entire house, certainly my favorite, and i suddenly began to fantasize of it during christmas: the lovely garlands strung about the balcony, dangling mistletoe, and a towering christmas tree that was possibly a dozen feet tall! i always had an affinity for christmas and often found myself fantasizing about the holiday season: i supposed it was due to the fact that i never had much of one, but i have always wished to experience a fairy-tale christmas. i could only hope that enjolras and his friends may live to see christmas this year...

immediately following my self-guided journey of enjolras's house, i found myself wandering towards the bookcase— this simple decoration that enjolras claimed to never think of was a magnet that i was inextricably attracted to. my hand was outstretched and my fingertips were reaching and stretching towards this wonder. i was enthralled by the worn leather covers that must have endured many years of use, with titles such as frankenstein and pride and prejudice etched into the spines in golden font and i could not resist plucking one from its shelf!

i had selected romeo and juliet by william shakespeare. i had heard others marveling over his work— it was popular at the very least— and i wanted my share of the magic. i began to read.

it seemed as though time had frozen and taken flight all at once, for not a moment later, enjolras returned home. it was strikingly late, and i was alarmed when i glanced up to see that night had fallen. oh, where had the time gone?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2018 ⏰

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