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So everyone this is my second book. I decided to do something different and darker but I don't know how it's gonna turn out. Please let me know if you liked it and if I should continue it.


"Even if people tell you otherwise, if you believe in yourself, you can do everything

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"Even if people tell you otherwise, if you believe in yourself, you can do everything."

-Tiffany SNSD


I got into the elevator of this huge skyscraper I've been working οn since I was 16. I was in need of money so I tried to find any kind of job so as to survive. So after some research I found a job. That payed a lot, A LOT of money. I was too innocent and scared of working in a place like that. But as time passed by, I got used to it.

You may ask, what is so scary about my job? Well, I solve crimes. What is so special about that? I kill.I don't just kill random people. And just so you know, I'm obviously not the bad person of the case. Me and my people are trying to get out of the way unwanted fuckers who threaten, blackmail, even kidnap innocent people and if they don't get what they want, they eventually kill them. You wouldn't call me a killer, but that's exactly how you'd call me.

I arrived on the highest floor of the building and walked through the corridors until I got to the most secluded part that only we know about.

On the left of the door there is a black box that I have to put my fingerprint on and it automatically opens. Then I type our secret code in order to get the door open.

"Oh Hyeyeon come here we've found something interesting" my coworker, Johnny said.

Johnny is 23 years old and out of all the people I work with, he's my best friend. I don't know but it was something special about him that caught my attention.

I approached him and sat next to him. I looked at the computer screen only to see a paused video.

"A footage of the new crime was sent to me by a citizen's home camera who lives near the crime scene. As you can see... We can't see his face. And literally disappeared in two seconds. Do you have any ideas of who it might be?" he informed and asked me.

I took a closer look at the figure. He seems kind of familiar. But I don't know who it reminds me of.

"Hmm... I don't have a clue Johnny. I'll discover his identity sooner or later, but i have to find some information first".

I sat on my desk and tried to do some work. After a while, one of my other coworkers, Nayeon rushed in.

"You know that new killer guy... He killed someone again. A middle aged woman, who worked at the local business. She seemed to be having some contact with him." she said.

"Do you have her personal information, ID card, where she lived or sth?" I questioned her

"Um i think Ten is looking for that, he's in his office" I nodded and headed to Ten's office.

Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul aka Ten, has been my best friend since we were five. That was until three years ago that he confessed that he likes me more than just friends. I wasn't sure about it. I didn't want to ruin our precious friendship. So i turned him down. I could see the disappointment in his eyes. I felt kinda bad but we had to move on. Days after that, when Ten would like, sit next to me, my heart would explode. The butterflies in my stomach would increase. I fell for him. Hard. So I decided to confess my feelings to him. We dated and still do up to date.

He has been the light of my life. He has helped me go through the hardest conditions of my life. And I'm very thankful for that. He is the best boyfriend and friend someone could ever have.

He saw me coming towards him and smiled at me widely. His smile. His smile is the reason I'm still alive. I was just too lucky i met him.


What do you think about it?Hope it was a bit interesting.

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