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I'm so lazy T

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I'm so lazy T.T


I'm finally back in town. I have the day off today in order to relax because of my trip to Busan.

I gathered all the information I got and I'm pretty sure I'll end this case soon.

I had my earphones plugged in and i was listening peacefully my favorite playlist.


Now 14:15

Hey love

I'm leaving work earlier today.

So, wear something nice and be ready by 10.

We're going out tonight ;)

Oh where are we going??

Probably clubbing

So wear something hot ;)


Btw where are you going to change?

Will you came here before we leave?

Oh I forgot to tell you

Johnny is coming too

And I still have some clothes left at his place.

When we were roommates remember?

Ahh yeah

Ok then I'll be ready❤

❤❤ ;)


It's been a long time since I went out to have fun. I'm quite an introverted person you see and I like staying in. But I like going out with Chittaphon. I just forget about my problems and leave myself free.

I still have some time before I start getting ready so I'll just watch some videos.

A few hours later I glanced at the clock and it's 7pm. I opened my wardrobe and looked through my clothes.

I'm not much of a girly girl person so my clothes are mostly trousers, shirts, tops, a few shorts and not many dresses.

Usually when going out, I wore black trousers or shorts with a random top but today I'm feeling like wearing a dress.

I took out my two favorite dresses and out them both on my bed.

The first one was short strapless red dress that I had perfectly matched with my gold belt and black pumps.

Then, the other one, was short as well, but it was black and it had medium sized straps. It hugged my body perfectly and it matched pretty well with my with my black stilettos.

After all, I decided to wear the black one and started doing my makeup. The eyes were pretty simple, with some light eye shadows and I put on some fake eyelashes too to make it a bit more dramatic. Of course, I added my hot red liquid lipstick. My hair was nothing too special, I just straightened them a bit. Then, I grabbed my purse, wore my stilettos and headed outside cause I always want to be on time.

After one or two minutes, I could see in the distance, Johnny's car approaching. He stopped in front of me and I sat on the back seat because Ten was already in the front.


I should start uploading more often fml.

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