°we had..fun?°

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"There is light even in the darkest places"

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"There is light even in the darkest places"


"You look stunning as always" said Johnny and winked at me.

"Yah!" Ten punched his arm "Don't flirt with my girlfriend! Go find your own one" he yelled.

I laughed at their childish behavior.

"Hey hey stop it you two!! I can here to have some fun, not listen to your shitty fights! Now come on let's go." I said and they finally stopped.

We arrived outside of a club. Johnny parked the car outside and we got out of it.

Chittaphon put his hand around my waist and we walked inside while Johnny was following us from behind.

The place wasn't too crowded but there were a few people here and there.

We all sat on the bar counter and ordered our drinks.

I'm not the biggest fan of drinking but since Ten and Johnny are drinking too, I didn't want to be left out.

I was still on my first drink while they were at their third.

"Hey Hyeyeon get up let's dance~" said Ten and dragged me to the dance floor.

We were dancing like crazy. Johnny on the other hand, was walking around flirting with random girls.

Since I was wearing stilettos and I wasn't very familiar with high heeled shoes, my feet started to ache so I told Ten I would go and sit back to the bar.

"Yeah babe sure I'll just go and sit with some of my friends I spotted over there" he said and got lost into the crowd.

I sat back at the bar counter and ordered a beer. The place was starting to get more and more crowded but there weren't any people sitting at the cointer except from me. They were just ordering their drinks and they were getting lost in the crowd too.

I was spacing out for a moment until I felt someone sit beside me.

It was a guy wearing a black leather jacket and black trousers. He had his dark brown hair covering half of his face, so I couldn't see him very clearly.

He minded his business and I minded mine.

As I was looking around; thinking, I felt somebody sit on my left.

"What's up hottie?" A young guy with blonde hair said.

"No." I said and looked to the other side.

"Oh come on! You haven't even met me for real yet"

"And I'm not planning to. Just leave please" I rolled my eyes.

"Hey i-" he went to say something but he was cut off.

"What are you deaf or something; she said she's not interested what else do you want to hear?" The guy who was sitting beside me spoke up.

"And you are you to have a good question?" The blonde guy scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"I'm nobody just leave her alone..." he shook his head.

"It's not even your business shut the fuck up" he yelled and punched the other guy's shoulder

"Well, I'm not in the mood for fights just fucking leave before I shove this glass down your throat" he sounded more angry than before.

"Oh and you think you scared me with tha-"

"Babe i want to dance with you~~ what are you dojng~" a drunk girl appeared from the crowd and fell on the blonde dude.

"Yeah I'm coming babe." He told her "Well, this ended good for both of you, so have fun" he winked and went with his girlfriend.

"Um... Thanks.. for helping me" I said to the guy.

He just nodded and looked ahead.

I stared at him confused. Wasn't he gonna say anything? I rolled my eyes.

Since it was getting late and I was getting bored I decided to tell Ten and Johnny that we should get going.

The moment I was going to get off of my seat, somebody fell on me.

"Hmm Hyeyeon~" a drunk Chittaphon said while hugging me tightly.

"oh fuck he's drunk" I said under my breath.

I tried to hold him so as not to drop him on the ground but it wasn't the easiest thing ever since he was kinda heavy.

There was nothing else I could do than.... This.. "Um... Excuse me sir? Can you do me another favor please?? I'll do whatever you ask for" I asked the same dude again.

"Wha-" he couldn't even talk and I dropped Ten on him and got into the crowd in order to find Johnny.

I could see him in the distance talking with a girl.

"Hey Johnny we have to go home" i said while trying to drag him away

"Oh here that's my number" he handed her a piece of paper

"Come onn" I starting dragging him further while he was shouting "YEAH GIRL CALL ME"

The guy was still holding Ten while looking around trying to find me.

"HEY" I yelled and he looked at me. I signalled him to follow me.

When we went outside me and Johnny waited for him to come out too.

"Yah go help him" I told Johnny

He rolled his eyes helped him bring Ten to the car. They dropped him into the back seat and closed the door.

Johnny went to his seat too.

"Ah thanks for helping me.. Again" I laughed awkwardly.

"It's cool" he said while looking down

"Yah Hyeyeon bring your ass inside or I'm leaving you here all alone" Johnny yelled

"Ugh fine just a moment" I said and turned around again

"Thanks agai-" I stopped midway because he had disappeared. How? He was here literally two seconds ago.

I looked around but he was nowhere to be found. I didn't even introduce myself properly.

I shrugged and got in the car.

Some minutes later we arrived at our house.

"Hey Johnny do you want to spend the night here? Since you look a little sleepy.." I offered

He nodded and we brought Chittaphon upstair together.

Johnny fell asleep on the couch while I dropped to the bed next to Ten and drifted to sleep too.

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