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ten's pov

"hey" a really beautiful girl approached me.

"um hi?" i greeted her awkwardly.

"alone here?" she put her hand on my shoulder and came closer to me.

she was so sexy, i couldn't deny that. really my type.

"yeah but not for long. would you like to hang out together?" i smirked

"absolutely" she said seductively and winked at me

another fun night for me if you know what i mean



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hyeyeon's pov

i woke up feeling a bit weird. i was laying on something hard and cold, definitely not my bed. on the floor? i quickly opened my eyes and the first thing i noticed was that, i wasn't in my room. i panicked. i tried getting up and running to the door

"woah where do you think you're going sweetheart?" someone with a low voice said behind me. i already feel dead.

i slowly turned around. did i regret it? yes. in front of me was standing THAT guy. the guy from the bar. the mysterious looking guy that i saw at the coffee shop before.

i gulped. "who are you and how did i get here???" i asked him with my whole remaining courage.

"don't you remember me?" he asked teasingly. "we've met before and you can't prove me wrong, you don't seem like the best liar to be honest"

i was shocked. i didn't know what to say. what does he want from me? my thoughts went wild.

"aren't you gonna say anything hyeyeon?" he raised his eyebrow

i looked at him with large eyes "how the heck do you know my name" i could be bearly heard

"i've done my research, you know. i know more than you think" he continuously stared deep into my eyes "im sicheng. nice to meet you again i guess" he chuckled ironically

"what do you want from me?" i said getting teary eyes. my heart was beating very fast.

"you. just as simple as that. and before you ask more questions, let me explain everything to you. so, you're the best employee at the 'company' you're working. i don't think they can do much without you. the others can't even hold a gun properly. we brought you here to work with us instead. we want to take revenge from them. or to me more correct... from one particular person. that betrayed us. you see.. one day, we were probably on the most important mission ever. we were so close to stop that gang from kidnapping and treating awfully people. we even got the police's help. but someone helped them escape. we still haven't found them. but there is a rumor going around that their leader is kim latalie's murderer." he looked angry while he was trying to explain all of this. i was confused.

"who betrayed you?" i couldn't help but ask that. the curiosity was killing me.

"i can't tell you yet. but it's someone you know."

"and why should i work here? i don't want to. let me go home!" i complained

"you're not going anywhere. you're staying here." his eyes were on fire. i was scared of him but i really tried hard not to show him.

"ok so if i stay. is this... thing going to be my room?" i said disgusted

sicheng acted as he was offended "um excuse ME im not gonna leave you talk about my room like that"

"pfff it's garbage. how do you even sleep in here? it doesn't even have any space to walk" i laughed making fun of him.

"um anyway. stay here for a bit and im going to find you a room. don't go anywhere." he warned me and left the room.

without any second thoughts i opened the small window. i was pretty high off the ground. but i've been in worse situations so i tried to climb it.

before i could even try jumping, someone grabbed me from the back.

"YAH!!! i warned you! let me say it to it straight. if you ever try to leave again, you're dead. you're lucky i was the one that saw you. there are guards everywhere." sicheng yelled at me looking pretty serious.

i just nodded and looked away. oof what have i gotten myself into...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2019 ⏰

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