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Sadness is a part of our lives

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Sadness is a part of our lives. Without that, happiness wouldn't exist.


"Hey beautiful." Ten said and kissed me.

I playfully hit his shoulder. "We're at work Ten, stop making me so flustered" I whined and blushed.

He laughed. "Haha alright. Sit down I'll show you what I've already found about the case."

I sat next to him.

"So as I searched through the ID cards the police gave me, I came to a conclusion that it's her. Her name as you can see is Kim Natalie. She was from the U.S as she grew up there and at the age of twenty, she moved in China. She decided, three years later to start a company. After seven years, the business had increased popularity rapidly, so she thought of expanding it to Korea too. We don't have much information about the killer yet, but the only thing we know is that they had some sort of contact." He said. I wrote down the most important stuff and thanked him.

"See you at home" I said and went back to my office.

I was trying to find the killer for hours, but...nothing. He has done a very good job hiding his identity.

I look at the clock. 11pm. Time for my break. I headed to the kitchen and grabbed a sandwich from the fridge. I sat on an empty chair that was near me.

"Found anything yet?" Taeil, who took a seat next to me asked.

I shook my head "Not really. I have to look further. There must be something written about him."

"Well, good luck. I have to spy on a dude who seems to be stalking on some girls in..about half an hour."

"Ugh I understand.." I nodded. "Talk to you later Taeil" I said and he waved at me.

Taeil is a person you can rely on. He is good at keeping secrets, so I open up a lot to him. He opens up to me too. He's been working here for a very long time. He was the first person I met the very first day. He's a good friend.

I returned to my office.

"Um Nayeon, can you come here please?" I signaled her.

She jogged to my direction.

"Hey what's up, need something?" she asked

"Uh is there a possibility that you have discovered any relatives of Kim Natalie?"

"Yes I found more about her life. Since she was adopted, we don't know about her real parents. The people who adopted her died in a car accident many years ago. She didn't have any siblings. The only person she used to have a little more contact with, was her cousin, Song Laura. She's a lot younger... Like 20 years younger, so she's I guess 27 years old. She currently lives in Busan. That's all I know for now."

"Thank you very much Nayeon, you helped me a lot!" I gave her a kind smile.

She smiled back. She's so adorable when she smiles.

"No problem! Do you need me for anything else?" She asked

"No, thanks"

She nodded and continued with her work.

Nayeon is kinda new to this job, but she's really into it and does it perfectly. She usually watches suspicious looking people, because she doesn't look like she would be working at a place like that.

With the information I had already gathered, I searched for Natalie's cousin, Song Laura.

(This is a website I made up, it's not real)



So they had the company together right? So she must know a lot about Natalie.

I clicked on the name Song Laura. It said that she lives in Busan and all the stuff I already knew. Now, the only thing left to do, is find a way to contact Laura.

After two hours, i managed to find where she lives. And this means... I'm having a trip to Busan.

I talked with my boss and as expected, he let me travel there. I'll borrow one of the company's cars tomorrow and leave before work.

My shift just finished so I can finally go back home. I left the building and as I was walking, a car parked in front of me.

"Why did you leave? We live in the same house, remember?" it was no other than Ten.

I smiled at him and got into the car. After a while, we reached our house.

We live in a block of flats in the city center, fifteen minutes away from work. The house is very spacious and bright on sunny days. We moved here a year ago so as to be closer to our job. I really love it here. It feels like real home.

"I'm so tired babe. It's almost 4am." Ten groaned and fell dramatically on the couch.

I laughed at his childish behavior.

"Come on Ten let's go to our room" I tried to drag him away and eventually, made it to the bedroom.

We changed and flopped on the bed. Ten, put his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I closed my eyes and relaxed.

Almost immediately I could hear Ten's quiet snoring that made me drift to sleep too.

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