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hello people fhgfdhd-- im back??? i've been so inactive i know, but who reads this story anyways? okay so i might continue this because meh,,, i dont like leaving stuff incomplete lmao. i have completely forgotten what i had in mind for this book, so dont judge me if i make any possible mistakes jfhjfjdkh- ANYWAYS,,,, enjoy?



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au pov
hyeyeon was staring at the ceiling while listening to music since she had nothing better to do. ten was out, having fun with his friends without her and she couldn't hide that she was kinda jealous. 

different scenarios were going through her head. what if he cheated on her with some random person because she knows how 'crazy' ten can get when being drunk.

but she trusts him. right?

right. she loves and trusts him with her whole heart. she felt genuinely happy with him. he helped her get through a lot and she appreciated that.

a sudden sound interrupted her thoughts

hyeyeon's pov

is ten already back? it's only 1am. i thought he would've came back in the morning or something.

i slowly walked to the living room. nobody was there.

"it could be just my imagination" i whispered to myself.

i shook my head and went back to my bed.

my heart was actually beating very fast. i tried to convince myself that it was nothing, but i couldn't.

as i was trying to calm down i heard the same sound again.

i gasped and jumped up. the sound came from my window?

i wanted to get up and see. but no im not doing that, ive seen thrillers and that's not a very good option..

i waited for about 10 minutes whether the same sound came for my window again.

and nothing seemed to be happening. at least for now.


pretty short but better than nothing right?

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