°it's him?!°

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Another day at work had started. I had finished everything I had to do and scrolled through my files once again.

"Hyeyeon?" Taeil came up to me.

"Hm what's up?" I asked

"Our boss said since you finished today's work, if you could go to the cafe so as to bring everyone some coffee and snacks?"

"Ok sure" I nodded. I grabbed my bag and headed outside of the room.

I went in the small cafe nearby.

I ordered the coffees since I can remember everyone's preference and bought a few donuts too.

As I was waiting for my order to be completed I took a look around the place. I stopped when I noticed a pretty familiar face sitting on the last table while working on his computer.

It was that guy from the other day.

He seemed a bit different. His hair aren't covering his face so I can see his features clearly.

He's actually very handsome I'm not gonna lie. Ugh come on Hyeyeon get yourself together. I shook my head but continued looking at him.

"Um miss? Your order is ready". I jumped up and nodded quickly.

I grabbed all of the stuff and took a last glance at the guy who I caught staring at me back. I shifted my gaze to something else and hurried my way outside.

Did he recognize me? Ugh it's not like I'll see him again. This was just a pure coincidence.

I just shook off my thoughts and went back to my workplace.

I gave everyone their coffee and donuts and sat back at my desk.

I took a sip of my coffee as I was still thinking about that dude that I don't even know his name.

"Yah Hyeyeon?" Somebody said and I immediately recognized that it was Ten by his voice.

"Yeah Ten?"

"Today we're having a night out with the company's boys so I won't be home until... Very late at night. Or in the morning. So I'll just drop you home and I'll leave" he said

"Oh ok... Well it's fine, I can go home by myself." I said and shrugged.

"No babe I won't let you alone at the streets at night" he said and I couldn't do anything else than accept his offer.

The time that we had to leave arrived, so Ten dropped me home and left straight after he made sure i got in the house safely.


Ah... I should really start updating more often. I dont really know where im going with this so bear with me.

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