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I don't see Adrian much the next few days. I'm thankful for that. To say our last conversation didn't go well would put it mildly. It was disastrous. And now I can't even face him anymore.

I'm hurt. He showed me how little he actually cares about me. He also showed me that I did the right thing by ending whatever was going on between us, even though it pains me.

I don't know where's he been for the past few days, but he wasn't there for a breakfast and he wasn't there for a lunch. I tried not to think about him being with someone else. He has every right to be because I made sure that's not my concern anymore – not that it ever was.

Mrs Welch was exceptionally grumpy and was eyeing me every time she saw me. It filled me with uneasiness. I still don't know what she did for a job – if she even did anything. I just know that she's at home all the time and that I don't see much of her. I hear her giving orders to Milena sometimes, but she usually doesn't even spare me a glance – well, until recently.

She started glaring at me and I don't know what I ever did to her.

There was a small mistake I made on Thursday and she completely lost it. I didn't put her shirt in the right drawer and she found a small stain on one of her pants. She came down and shouted at me for 15 minutes straight – I've been looking at the clock.

It was my fault, I know, but she was also a bit overreacting and she could've handled that better. But whatever. I got that she doesn't have anything better to do than look for mistakes in everyone and everything.

I stayed quiet and nodded when I needed to. And Mrs Welch stomped out, in a bad mood as ever.

Next day was Sunday and Adrian stays at home. I have a free day today. Milena is not here, but I have nowhere else to go, so I actually stay here and go to the library for a book to read.

Mrs Welch comes to my room to inform me that Adrian wants to see me in his office. It makes me frown. "He needs to see me in his office?" I reply stupidly.

Mrs Welch arches her eyebrow. "Did I stutter?"

I grit my teeth together, but I stand up. I mark the page I'm on by putting a small sheet of paper in it.

I'm not wearing my uniform today. It's my day off and there's no need to wear one.

I head to the office and wonder why the hell is Adrian in there on a Sunday. But then again, he's been working a lot and I shouldn't even be surprised.

My heart is like a thunder in my chest. I'm preparing to see him again and talk to him after days of radio silence between us. But I also don't know what the hell he wants from me and why does he have a sudden need to talk to me.

I take a deep breath to try to calm myself down. I need to remind myself that I did the right thing to end things between us, no matter how awkward it's probably going to be between us.

I knock twice, lightly, but enough to be heard. I hear that commanding, authoritative voice from the inside saying, "Enter." That one word alone is enough to send chills all over my body. I've always liked his deep, velvety voice.

I will myself to be strong and with a long exhale, I slowly enter, softly closing the door behind me, awkwardly standing there while Adrian doesn't even glance at me. "You wanted to see me," I reply.

His head lifts at that. "Cassandra. Yes, take a seat."

He puts the papers into a neat pile on his desk, moving them slightly to the corner of the desk and giving me all of his attention. It makes me nervous. It makes me feel like I did something wrong. And I don't like that feeling.

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