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I wake up, disoriented because I'm not in my room. It takes my brain a few seconds to realise I'm in the master bedroom. And when I sit up on the bed, the pain on my bottom is so sharp that I yelp.

It seems like I'm alone in the room. It also seems like I overslept because there's already light outside.

I'm drained. Emotionally and physically. But I shoot out of the bed and quickly dress, ignoring the pain I feel all over my body. Adrian really did a great work on me.

But he was also so sweet afterwards. We fell asleep in each other's arms. This is all new to me since I'm not used to sleeping with a man, especially not a man like Adrian.

And I already know I'm ruined. Because no way will I ever be able to go on with my life as if Adrian never entered my world and completely rocked it. I think he ruined me for every man out there because I'll always compare everyone else to him and I already know no one can compare.

I can't think about this now when I have work to do. I'm ashamed. Especially when I see Mrs Welch on my way to my room. She gives me a disgusted look when she sees my attire. I must look awful. She looks at her wristwatch and at that moment, I hate how perfectly her hair is made, it's twisted in yet another complicated hairstyle and not even a strand moves with her movements.

She's so elegant. I could never reach that level of elegance. It makes me kind of sad because I know that Adrian will end up with a woman like her and I could never be that woman.

I don't know why these thoughts are even appearing in my head. I shouldn't even be thinking about any other relationship with Adrian than the one we're currently having.

"Miss Duarte. Not doing what you're paid for once again? I think we should change your conditions."

"Pardon?" I ask, my voice slightly shaking. I can't hide my fear from her. I don't even know why I fear her. I know she can't really do anything to me, but her words are poisonous.

Her lips curl. "God only knows what Adrian sees in you. He really has no sense left."

I wisely stay quiet because I don't want to get myself into any trouble with her. I just want to stay away from her and mind my own business because I've never liked people like her.

"What are you waiting for? Go to work. And let this not become a habit because not only you're putting your job at a risk, but you're making fun out of yourself and no one in this house will ever take you seriously. And respect? You can forget all about that, too. Etender?"

"Sí, señora," I answer her politely, although I intentionally choose to do it in Spanish.

She narrows her eyes. "Scurry away."

Like a perro. Dog.

I almost run to my room. I have to take a shower because I have Adrian's smell all over me and it's distracting. It's a reminder of what happened and I think about him enough on its own as it is. Too much. It's a bordeline obsession almost.

Thank God for the inability of reading other people's minds sometimes.

I put on a fresh suit and twist my wet hair into a bun. I run down the stairs as fast as I can. I can hear Milena murmuring a soft melody and I follow the voice.

She's putting up a tree. A Christmas tree. I'm confused for a second until I remember that the Holidays are here. I don't even know what day today is.

Looking around the house now, I see I was too busy rushing down to notice the decorations that are up already. These people really go all out. The house is ... extravagant. And with all these decorations and lights, it looks more like a warm home. Otherwise, it has a cold touch, but the decorations bring some warmth into it.

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