chapter 2

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After hours of sitting slumped against my bed frame I was close to suicidal. A lot of people would probably call me crazy, in which case they'd be right, for never leaving, never calling the police. But I just couldn't. I'd have barely any money. No place to go. No home. Nobody. And how would I even leave? It's not like I could just walk up to him and say Im leaving, were done.

The shittiest part of it all was that Chad had once been a great guy. I was once able to say I loved him. At 16, I was a complete mess. I lived with my aunt and uncle that were basically terrified of me or something. I mean for gods sake they could've been a little nicer to me. I'd been kidnapped for 12 damn years and just to find out my real parents were dead. I met Chad at a party and he was always drunk. But he was a funny drunk. He always made people laugh and somehow I fell for that. Of course, that happy drunk was now an abusive alcoholic.

I kept my face covered in my hands finally drying up the last of my tears. I stood up and glanced at the clock. 12:35.

I smiled remembering Harry & I's pretty lame text conversation.

I had texted him back and said, "Now I've lowered it to a 9.3."

Of course after that, I had stopped replying because I could barely see with my blurred out vision.

I checked my phone.

From Harry

"Okay thats low."

"Did you fall asleep."

"It's like 12 lame ass."

"Totally kidding okay good night."

"Well actually good morning."

"I promise im cool."

I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing as loud as I was about to. There was no way I wanted Chad awake even though he won't remember anything at all from last night.

I texted him back,

"You're a lame ass go to sleep."

And fell asleep actually smiling.


When I woke up around 9, I saw Chad was gone. Wow. He actually went to work.

I checked my phone and smiled.

From Harry

"Ouch. For that you'll have to put up with me for another date."

I rolled my eyes.

I started to type but I saw he was calling me. My heart rate started to speed up when I answered.

"Hello?" I said.

"Morning love." I knew he was smiling.

"Morning lame ass," I said and he laughed.

"Alright you probably dont wanna put up with me, but I don't know. I guess I just want to see you again," he said and my heart hammered.

I sighed and said, "Harry its just-" I was cut off.

"Oh come on I'm not that bad."

I smiled but I wanted to cry. The problem is he wasnt that bad. He was great. He was what I always dreamed of having.

But I knew there was no way I could keep this up. It wasn't fair to anyone. If Harry found out he'd hate me.

But I wanted so desperately to be with him. I wanted to see his smile. I wanted to see my smile.

"Okay I'll go," I said quietly. But my curfew is 4 today."

"Damn you're lucky you're cute," he huffed and I laughed.

"I think you are in fact lucky im cute," I said sarcastically.

"whatever you say babe," he said.

I laughed lightly even though my heart just fell out of my chest just from a simple word.

"I'll pick you up at 12. Don't you live at Garden Villa Apartments , is that what it was?"

I hated the fact that he had to come get me here. So many terrible thoughts of what could happen erupted in my mind.

"Uhhm-yes 312," I stuttered.

"I'll see you then," he said and I heard the phone click.


My palms were so sweaty. I had managed to get all of chads stuff cleared out and everything but I still was a mess. I did think I looked pretty decent thought. I had on small, strapless darkblue dress with a small white jacket to make it seem less slutty. I didn't even know what we were doing.

I really needed to go shopping if I were going to be spending more time with Harry. No Savannah. You have to end this today and tell him the truth. The thought of never seeing him again broke a small part of me despite the fact I hadnt know him long.

I heard a knock and I tried to control the pulse sounding through my ears. I opened the door and let out a sigh of a relief.

"Hi Savannah. You look beautiful today," he said cutely leaning against the door frame.

"Thank you," I said with a slight smile.

He frowned a bit and I asked what was wrong.

He reached his hand out to my face and on instinct I jerked back. His face reacted with surprise and I was immediately filled with regret.

"I-Im sorry-" I stammered.

"Savannah its okay," he nervously laughed. "I was just saying you have a bruise right here in your cheek."

Dammit. I forgot about that.

"Oh yeah. I accidentally hit my cheek on the cabinet," I said. When will you stop lying to him. Does he seriously deserve it?

He laughed and said, "you really are a mess."

"You have no idea," I mumbled.

"You're a little bit fancy for just bowling," he said looking down at my dress.

I just rolled my eyes and walked out, closing the door behind me.


I honestly had the time of my life just for 2 hours of bowling. Harry was actually pretty good. I had never been bowling before, which blew Harrys mind, so he had to help me sometimes which I obviously didnt mind. Harry did accidentally break the gutters in which we then decided to leave.

It was only 2 when we left which made Harry ask me to go get icecream which I decided to say yes too. Harry ordered mint chocolate chip in which he said was his favorite ice cream. I decided to get chocolate and we sat at a booth talking and eating.

I decided to tell him some stuff about me which he deserved to know. That I'm originally from Nebraska but moved here when I was 15 with my aunt and uncle. I told him i'm going to college but im not sure what I want to be yet. My dream is to be an author but it just has never worked out for me. I told him that I work as a waitress at Olive Garden and that I actually really enjoy it (probably because im away from home but I didn't mention that).

He told me that he was from Cheshire but moved here when his parents split up. Now he lives here with his "ass of a dad" and his girlfriend and her son. Well he doesn't actually live with them, he lives with his friend Louis in an apartment.

He seemed to be really happy as I told him more about myself. I guess I was probably very reserved considering how nervous I was last night. God, I just wish so bad that he was out of my life. Then I could go on dates with a guy like Harry and not feel like a fugitive. You could Savannah. You could always leave him.

I finally arrived home safe and sound. I leaned against the counter and breathed out.

Suddenly, I heard keys jingling and I started to slightly panic when I realized I'm still in my dress.

I stood there, frozen as it opened.

Happily - Harry Styles (completed)Where stories live. Discover now