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Savannah and Harry were a love story like no one else knew, but they themselves. They loved with a love that was deeper than love and we're both driven by such a madness, such relent that could only be seen as life.

They had a story that would stay remembered throughout generations.

Savannah began to live a life she had always dreamed of having, thanks to Harry. She had such compassion, such strength, such beauty. She soon realized that her past meant nothing to her, and neither did her future. She truly only lived in the moment.

Harry soon came to good terms with his father, and his new step mom and step son. He even went to their wedding, taking his beautiful soon to be bride with him.

They never had kids, but there wasn't a day that Harry didn't look at her like any woman would dream of being looked at and there wasn't a day Savannah didn't think about him like any man would die to be thought about the same.

But soon, Harry knew the love of his life was soon seeing the last of her days.

He sat by her, watching her shallow breaths and listening to the beeping of the monitor, scared for his life knowing it could possibly flat line at any point.

Her eyes fluttered open and he was suddenly take back to 60 years ago when he had first met her. He would never forget the pierce in her eye that held such a mystery, that he knew he would never stop until he figured it out himself.

Harry gently got her attention and began to read with a heavy heart her the sweet, yet lucid words they had once wrote each other.

"You will never hear me say I desire to fix you. Because that would mean (in some way shape or form) you were broken. And you can tell me about all the battles you claim you've lost and the monsters who have trampled your heart. It won't change the fact that you still love with the utmost compassion under the utmost detrimental conditions. So, love, please believe me when I say that the last thing you need is fixing."

Silent tears began to fall down his face as he realized their tragic, yet beautiful love story was coming to a close.

As he read the last word, and folded the paper, to never read again until he himself was on deaths bed. He looked up into her eyes, who were still full of such life. They were always full of life.

"Savannah, did I tell you that you looked beautiful today?" he asked, one last time knowing he had to see her happy.

She smiled and said with all of the air left in her body, "I love you- Harry. Thank you-for- for fixing me."

And as Harry heard the flatline, signaling his one and only love, who had also fixed him had left him.

Harry and Savannah lived all of their years, happily. Not because nothing bad ever happened. Not because there wasn't times when life seemed like it held no life to it. They lived happily because they knew that bad days came and bad days went. They lived happily because they had each other, not sometimes, always. They lived happily because they knew deep within them, that everything happens for a reason.

The End.

Happily - Harry Styles (completed)Where stories live. Discover now