The Escape

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Bakugou smiled up at the flaming giant. "You think that'll fucking scare me?!" He bellowed.

He lashed at the joints in the armour where it was more metal and less flames. However Endeavour didnt need to be fast to block the attacks. His body was so huge it was impossible not to hit him but nothing helped. His sword sparked at every swing and as the fire heated the weapon it only got weaker with every slash. Endeavour swung his massive arms and Bakugou was quick enough to move from the giants path. However he had forgotten about Todoroki who began to attack from the other side. He had to use his sword with Todorki while avoiding the kings flaming gauntlets.

"Ah enough!"

He yelled then kicked Todoroki in the chest swinging around to swiftly punctureing his sword into the joints of the armour slicing the kings shoulder. The giant called out before throwing a firy fist against Bakugou's side. The rogue hit the floor feeling the burn bubbling his skin. He stood back as did Todoroki for a moment they stood still watching each others moves. Then just as they went to begin fighting again the loud howl of Kirishima rung in their ears. They looked at the beast to see that the pain was so overwhelming he was losing consciousness. Bakugou pushed through Todoroki and Endevour to the dragons side. The lights began to filter in the air as Kirishima turned human and fell into Bakugou's arms. The blood from his hip gushed down his thigh through charred black skin and Bakugou used the furry cape around him to wrap the wound. He slowly crouched down ignoring his own pain holding him closely.

"Come on you ass, that skin was suppose to be impenetrable." He whispered.

Todorokis's mix matched husky like eyes widened when he saw the dragon was but a man. However Endevour only looked furious.

"Now!" He called out. "Grab the dragon while hes weakened!"

Bakugou turned his head to the king snarling. "He's just a fucking kid you coward!!"

Endevour looked to his men who hesitated and he stepped forward.

"You are all useless to me. Todoroki!" He called to his son. "Get the dragon."

Bakugou began to stand with Kirishima in his arms. The red heads blood poured down the rogues body as he rested against his chest. He lifted his sword panting as the burn on his side ached, he was still ready to stand his ground.

"Come on!" He yelled.

Todoroki walked towards Bakugou but just as he got close he turned around to face his father. Endevour furrowed his brow and smiled.

"Get out of the way boy. I didn't make you to die protecting a Rogue and his pet."

"What you're doing is wrong." Todorki answered coldly. "And we will stop you."

He moved his gauntlet and sword to the side and they both slowly covered in frost as it snuck up his arm. The sword became so cold the air began to chill causing the boys to be able to see their breaths.

"You wouldn't dare." Endevour tried to catch a bluff that wasn't there.

Todoroki charged at his father and they went into a heated battle. Bakugou wanted to yell at Todoroki that he didn't need someone to fight his battles but he could feel Kirishima's blood pooling into his boot. He bit his lip and left the castle running the boy back into the mountains.

He took him to a small cave where they both felt at home. He set up a bed and placed the dragon boy down beginning to properly tend to the wound. Washing it out and wrapping a handerkerchief tightly around it to cut off some circulation. He wrapped a blanket around him and went outside to clean off his Cape. As the rain began to poor the blood of his friend ran down the mountain side like a river. He held everything in, his anger, fear, and heartbreak. He walked back into the cave to see the dragon had broke out into fever once again and was lucky enough to still have the medicine from the old woman in the Northern kingdom.

'This is my fucking fault.' He thought to himself. 'I should have left him with that witch or back with his family.' He crouched down by his head petting his red hair back. 'At least you would have been safe.'

Suddenly a hand grabbed his and he looked to see Kirishima trying to pull him closer. It was a very week attempt however Bakugou let himself be pulled in. He wrapped his arms around the boy to keep him warm and felt Kirishima nudge closer.

"I'm sorry." He whispered gently.

"I love ya too man." Kirishima's tired voice spoke under him.

Bakugou lit up and tried his very best not to blow up at him, instead he held him tighter praying to any and all the gods for him to wake up soon.


The next morning Bakugou awoke to an empty nest and sat up swiftly. He felt the bed but it was cold. He got to his feet stumbling to the end of the cave. He was about to call out for Kirishima but stopped when he saw him sitting on edge of the rocks. His tail swished lightly as he watched the sun set. Bakugou moved slowly closer afraid it may have been a dream but was reassured when he placed his hand on the rough skin of the dragon. Kirishima looked down and smiled widely.

"You doing good?" Bakugou asked hiding the fear in his voice.

Kirishima shrugged and looked at the hole in his side. 'It would heal' he thought to himself. Bakugou laughed nervously.

"Heh, I thought you were a goner for sure this time."

Kirishima wrapped his tail around Bakugou pulling him in closer then layed down reaching a paw out to hold the rogue against his chest. He had already forgiven him long ago, and now only wanted to watch the sunset. The dragon looked down to the blond and was shocked when he saw him smiling. In that moment, in that perfect moment, it felt as if everything had been lifted, the pain, the fear, even the curse. So in that moment Kirishima couldn't stop himself from doing what he had wanted to do for months. He leaned his head down and with his big scaly face kissed Bakugou gently on his tiny human lips. Bakugou was about to push him away when the lights began to sparkle again and Kirishima turned into a human one last time. The markings on his wrists changed back to normal and he no longer had to the curse.

Bakugou stared at him with wide eyes and took a deep breath before saying. "You gotta be fucking kidding me."

(((Guys I love you but I ALMOST killed Kirishima. When I was writing the part of him running out of the cave I almost wanted it to be an illusion of Kirishima before he left Bakugou BUT I DIDNT so..... there will be more chapters))

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