A Hard Choice

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   Kirishima lay in Bakugou's arms as the Rogue thought over his choices trying to make a decision. All of the options could lead to Kirishima's illness worsening. But he had to decide and right away. So he lightly slipped out from under Kirishima and lay him down slowly.

   He grabbed his leather satchel and left the cave. He began to scale the cliffs in search for trees, and plants with large leaves. When he found a grassy shelf with what he needed he loaded his bag as much as it could hold then carried the rest in his arms. He slipped back into the cave and started to create a bed with the leaves and moss. He then went back for Kirishima and carried him to the makeshift bedding, placing him down slowly resting his warm face into the moss.

"I'll be right back, so don't you fucking die on me." He whispered.

   Bakugou left the mountains and traveled for the entire day never stopping till he made it to a small village at the base of the Northern castle. He hesitated then thought back to Kirishima alone in the cave. Bakugou had left food and water but he didn't know if the boy would awaken or be strong enough to eat it on his own.

   He entered the village and wasted no time. He went straight to the closest herb shop and rushed in. Behind the desk was a small old woman with a white bun tied over her head.

"Ah, young Bakugou! It has been many years since you left. What brings you back?" She said sweetly.

"I don't have time for this old lady I need medicine now."

"Of course, what's the trouble?" She smiled.

Bakugou could feel his frustration boiling. "It's not for me! It's for my friend. He's sick.... He's got a bad fever... And he won't wake up."

"Well, I can give you a few things to try. If he isn't awake yet these chest ointments should bring down the fever and clear his sinuses. For when he does wake up, give him these seeds and make him tea from this root until he's healed." She handed him the casings.

"Fine, what do I owe you?" He reached into his bag.

   She moved her hands out to place the medicine in his own. He looked down at her innocent grin.

"It is free of charge. As long as you get your friend all healed up and you stop being a stranger."

   Bakugou's red eyes widened and he took the medicine in his hands. He fought back his emotions and walked back to the entrance of the tent. He turned around simply saying "Thanks."

   He began to track back out into the town only to have someone bump into him. He looked down with an aggressive snarl.

"Watch where you're fucking going!" He snapped.

   The person below him had messy green hair and looked up with large round eyes, cheeks powdered in freckles.

"K-Katchan?" The boy stood up and began to ramble. "Katchan where have you been? I haven't seen you since the aprentancing! Everyone was so worried about you! I'm sorry you didn't get the part. Where did you go? How have you been? What happened to you?!"

   Bakugou swung his arm at the Boy slapping him across the face with no remorse.

"Shut the hell up Deku... You're in my way."

   Bakugou marched past him ignoring the boy as he called out to him repetitively. He left the village once again and headed back to the mountains.


   He reached the outskirts of the village still angry at seeing his childhood rival. He stopped when he saw a man with chin long black hair. He stood over a horse and carriage full of metal and wood works. The man looked to him and let a bright smile cross his lips.

"Hey stranger, wanna see my wares?"

   Bakugou gave him a straight look and answered. "No, where are you going next?"

"Through the valley east from here?" He raised a brow. "Why?"

"If I give you 50 pieces of gold will you let me ride with you?"

"You don't gotta pay a thing. I'm heading out now if that's fine." He said kindly.

   Bakugou sighed feeling slightly more at ease. "Yes, it is."

"The names Sero." the raven haired boy reached out his hand.

   Bakugou shook it hesitantly then looked back at the cart. "Bakugou. But I'm in a hurry."

"That's alright, Mineta may look useless but he's fast. I named him after an old friend because-"

"I don't care. Can we just go." Bakugou interrupted.

"Yeah of course. Wherever you're going must be real important."

   Bakugou climbed in the back while Sero sat up in the front grabbing the reins. Bakugou stared down at the bag full of medicine in his palms and whispered.

"He is."

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